API Publishing Endpoints

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

This page describes the endpoints to create catalog and Swagger documentation for your API.

Important Note on Spelling:

While our documentation now uses American English, the product itself, including UI, configuration fields, environment variables, and APIs endpoints, retain British English spellings. When interacting with the product, please continue using the British English spellings as they appear in the interface and API. (This means that for existing users nothing has changed).
Example: The API endpoint /api/portal/catalogue as shown throughout this page uses British spelling. In all other instances, such as when describing or referring to this object in the documentation, we will use the American spelling “catalog”.


Create Documentation

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/documentation
Method POST
Type None
Body Documentation Object
Param None

The Swagger or Blueprint should be base64 encoded and included in the documentation field of the Request Body, as per the example below.


Support for API Blueprint is being deprecated. See Importing APIs for more details.

Sample Request

POST /api/portal/documentation HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

  "api_id": "",
  "doc_type": "swagger",
  "documentation": "<base64-encoded-swagger>"

Sample Response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Message": "5ea6b2bd971eed0001009ddc",
  "Meta": null

Delete Documentation

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/documentation/{id}
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

DELETE/api/portal/documentation HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Message": "Data deleted",
  "Meta": null


List Catalog

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/catalogue
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

GET /api/portal/catalogue HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

      "name":"Portal OAuth API",



      "name":"Test API",




Create Catalog

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/catalogue
Method POST
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

POST /api/portal/catalogue HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  Response here

Update Catalog

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/catalogue
Method PUT
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

PUT /api/portal/catalogue HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  Response here