Tyk Streams Glossary

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To effectively use Tyk Streams for managing async APIs, it’s important to first understand the terminology and key concepts


An event represents a significant change or occurrence within a system, such as a user action, a sensor reading, or a data update. Events are typically lightweight and contain minimal data, often just a unique identifier and a timestamp.


A stream is a continuous flow of events ordered by time. Streams allow for efficient, real-time processing and distribution of events to multiple consumers.

Publisher (or Producer)

A publisher is an application or system that generates events and sends them to a broker or event store for distribution to interested parties.

Subscriber (or Consumer)

A subscriber is an application or system that expresses interest in receiving events from one or more streams. Subscribers can process events in real-time or store them for later consumption.


A broker is an intermediary system that receives events from publishers, stores them, and forwards them to subscribers. Brokers decouple publishers from subscribers, allowing for scalable and flexible event-driven architectures.

Topic (or Channel)

A topic is a named destination within a broker where events are published. Subscribers can subscribe to specific topics to receive relevant events.