Tyk Charts 1.3 Release Notes

Last updated: 7 minutes read.

Open Source (Mozilla Public License)

This page contains all release notes for version 1.3.X displayed in a reverse chronological order

Support Lifetime

Our minor releases are supported until our next minor comes out.

1.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date 05 Apr 2024

Breaking Changes

For MongoDB users: Tyk Charts 1.3.0 uses mongo-go as the default driver to connect to MongoDB. mongo-go driver is compatible with MongoDB 4.4.x and above. For MongoDB versions prior to 4.4, please set global.mongo.driver to mgo. We recommend reading Choose a MongoDB driver when you need to change driver setting.

3rd Party Dependencies & Tools

Third Party Dependency Tested Versions Compatible Versions Comments
Kubernetes 1.26.x, 1.27.x, 1.28.x, 1.29.x 1.19+
Helm 3.14.x 3.x
Redis 6.2.x, 7.x 6.2.x, 7.x Used by Tyk Gateway and Dashboard
MongoDB 5.0.x, 6.0.x, 7.0.x 4.4.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x, 7.0.x Used by Tyk Dashboard
PostgreSQL 11.x - 15.x LTS 11.x - 15.x Used by Tyk Dashboard

Given the time difference between your upgrade and the release of this version, we recommend customers verify the ongoing support of third-party dependencies they install, as their status may have changed since the release.


There are no deprecations in this release.

Future deprecations
  • In tyk-dashboard chart, dashboard.hashKeys field will be deprecated in future and be replaced with .global.hashKeys. This is to ensure Dashboard, Gateway, and MDCB always get the same hashKeys configurations. It is recommended users do not set dashboard.hashKeys and only use .global.hashKeys field.

Upgrade instructions

For users currently on v1.2.x, we strongly recommend promptly upgrading to the latest release.

You can use helm upgrade to upgrade your release

helm repo add tyk-helm https://helm.tyk.io/public/helm/charts/
helm repo update

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] tyk-helm/[CHART_NAME]

Release Highlights

This release primarily focuses on adding support for Tyk v5.3 configurations.

Tyk Charts 1.3 will install the following Tyk component versions by default.

  • Tyk Gateway v5.3.0
  • Tyk Dashboard v5.3.0
  • Tyk Pump v1.9.0
  • Tyk MDCB v2.5.0
  • Tyk Developer Portal v1.8.3

For a comprehensive list of changes, please refer to the detailed changelog below.

Support new features available from Tyk v5.3.0

Tyk Charts 1.3 adds support for a number of new Tyk features available from Tyk 5.3.0. These include: Support use of SSL certificates when connecting to Redis, Configurations for OAS Validate examples and OAS Validate Schema defaults.

Graph Pump

Tyk Charts 1.3 adds support for Graph MongoDB Pump, Graph SQL Pump and Graph SQL Aggregate Pump. see Graph Pump setup to learn more about the GraphQL-specific metrics available.

Enable Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) in Tyk Dashboard

Tyk Charts 1.3 adds a field to enable Internal Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) in Tyk Dashboard by field tyk-dashboard.tib.enabled to true.



  • Global config: Support use of SSL certificates when connecting to Redis

    Added following fields in global.redis to support use of SSL certificates when connecting to Redis.

        # Allows usage of self-signed certificates when connecting to an encrypted Redis database.
        # sslInsecureSkipVerify: false
        # Path to the CA file.
        # sslCAFile: ""
        # The Volume mount path
        # Default value: /etc/certs
        # certificatesMountPath: ""
        # Path to the cert file.
        # sslCertFile: ""
        # Path to the key file.
        # sslKeyFile: ""
        # Maximum supported TLS version. Valid values are TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.
        # Default value: 1.3
        # sslMaxVersion: "1.3"
        # Minimum supported TLS version. Valid values are TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.
        # Default value: 1.2
        # sslMinVersion: "1.2"
        # Name of the tls secret. A secret needs to be created for this manually using the name as specified here
        # secretName: ""
        # Name of the volume where the secret will be mounted
        # volumeName: ""
  • Global config: Added OAS Validate Examples

    Added field global.oasValidateExamples. When set to true, it enables validation of examples in the OAS spec. It is used to set TYK_DB_OAS_VALIDATE_EXAMPLES and TYK_GW_OAS_VALIDATE_EXAMPLES.

  • Global config: Added OAS Validate Schema Defaults

    Added field global.oasValidateSchemaDefaults. When set to true, it enables validation of schema defaults in the OAS spec. It is used to set TYK_DB_OAS_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_DEFAULTS and TYK_GW_OAS_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_DEFAULTS.

  • Global config: Enable/Disable key hashing

    Added field global.hashKeys. When set to true, it enables key hashing in Gateway. Dashboard will also operate in a mode that is compatible with key hashing. Please do not set dashboard.hashKeys or make sure dashboard.hashKeys is set to the same value or else dashboard.hashKeys will take precedence.

    Note: dashboard.hashKeys will be deprecated in future release.

  • Gateway: Added support for PodDisruptionBudget resource

    Added built-in support for PodDisruptionBudget resource for Tyk Gateway. This will enhance the reliability and availability of your applications, giving you some control over the disruption caused by scaling operations, updates or maintenance on your pods. To enable it, set gateway.pdb.enabled to true and configure gateway.pdb.minAvailable or gateway.pdb.maxUnavailable.

  • Gateway: Added Ingress template for gateway control service

    When enabled at gateway.control.ingress.enabled, an Ingress resource will be created to allow external access to gateway’s control service.

  • Gateway: Configure Gateway to work with MDCB synchroniser

    Allow users to configure worker gateway to work with Tyk MDCB synchroniser easily by setting global.mdcbSynchronizer.enabled in tyk-data-plane. The control plane should be deployed with same global.mdcbSynchronizer.enabled value too.

  • Gateway: Customize ServiceAccount to be used

    Allow users to customize serviceAccountName for gateway, the name of the Service Account that is going to be used by the Pods.

  • Gateway: Make service port name configurable

    Users can configure Tyk Gateway service port name and Tyk Gateway control service port name. Default is http.

  • Gateway: Make initContainer image configurable

    Users can configure Tyk Gateway initContainer image so that it is possible to load busybox image from preferred registry.

  • Dashboard: Added option to enable Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) in Tyk Dashboard

    You can enable Internal Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) in Tyk Dashboard by field tyk-dashboard.tib.enabled to true.

  • Dashboard: Customize ServiceAccount to be used

    Allow users to customize serviceAccountName for dashboard, the name of the Service Account that is going to be used by the Pods.

  • Dashboard: Make service port name configurable

    Users can configure Tyk Dashboard service port name. Default is http.

  • Pump: Added Graph pump support

    Graph Pumps will be added when the user adds mongo or postgres to pump.backend. When mongo is added to pump.backend the Graph MongoDB Pump will be enabled. When postgres is added to pump.backend the Graph SQL Pump and Graph SQL Aggregate Pump will be enabled.

  • Pump: Customize ServiceAccount to be used

    Allow users to customize serviceAccountName for pump, the name of the Service Account that is going to be used by the Pods.

  • Pump: Make service port name configurable

    Users can configure Tyk Pump service port name. Default is http.

  • Portal: Customize ServiceAccount to be used

    Allow users to customize serviceAccountName for portal, the name of the Service Account that is going to be used by the Pods.

  • Portal: Make service port name configurable

    Users can configure Tyk Developer Portal service port name. Default is http.

  • New component chart to deploy MDCB

    A new MDCB component chart has been added to deploy MDCB. It is currently in Beta. For installation instructions and configurations, please read Tyk Control Plane chart.

  • New umbrella chart to deploy Tyk Control Plane

    A new Tyk Control Plane umbrella chart has been added to deploy Tyk Control Plane. It is currently in Beta. For installation instructions and configurations, please read Tyk Control Plane chart.

  • Global config: Update default MongoDB driver to `mongo-go`

    Tyk Charts 1.3.0 uses mongo-go as the default driver to connect to MongoDB. mongo-go driver is compatible with MongoDB 4.4.x and above. For MongoDB versions prior to 4.4, please change global.mongo.driver to mgo. We recommend reading Choose a MongoDB driver when you need to change driver setting.

Further Information

Upgrading Tyk

Please refer to the upgrading Tyk page for further guidance on the upgrade strategy.


Please visit our Developer Support page for further information relating to reporting bugs, upgrading Tyk, technical support and how to contribute.