Data Storage Configuration
Last updated: 6 minutes read.
Tyk stores a variety of data in 4 separate data storage layers. You can configure each layer separately to use one of our supported database platforms. Alternatively a single platform can be used for all layers. The 4 data storage layers are as follows:
- Main: Stores configurations of: APIs, Policies, Users and User Groups.
- Aggregate Analytics: Data used to display Dashboard charts and analytics.
- Logs: When detailed logging is enabled, request and response data is logged to storage. These logs can previewed in the Dashboard log browser.
- Uptime: Uptime test analytics.
Being extensible, Tyk supports storing this data across different databases (MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL etc.). For example, Tyk can be configured to store analytics in PostgreSQL, logs in MongoDB and uptime data in MySQL.
As illustrated below it can be seen that Tyk Pump writes to one or more external data sources via a Redis store. Conversely, Tyk Dashboard reads this data from the external data sources.
The following details are required to manage this configuration:
- Data storage layer type
- Database engine
- Database connection string
The remainder of this document explains how to configure Tyk Dashboard and Tyk Pump to read and write from one or more data storage layers, respectively.
How To Configure Tyk Dashboard To Read From A Data Storage Layer
Tyk Dashboard has configuration environment variables for each data storage layer in the following format:
For example, to configure Tyk Dashboard to read logs from a mongo database, the following environment variables are required:
The full set of environment variables are listed below:
It should be noted that Tyk will attempt to use the configuration for the main data storage layer when no corresponding configuration is available for logs, uptime or analytics.
Please refer to the storage configuration section to explore the parameters for configuring Tyk Dashboard to read from different storage layers.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write To Data Storage Layers?
Please consult the Pump configuration guide for an explanation of how to configure Tyk Pump to write to different storage layers.
The remainder of this section explains the environment variables that can be used to configure Tyk Pump to write to the following data storage layers:
- Uptime
- Aggregated Analytics
- Logs
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Uptime Data?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write uptime data to SQL (Postgres and SQL Lite) and Mongo. The default behavior is to write to Mongo.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Uptime Data To A PostgreSQL Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write to a PostgreSQL database, using the following environment variables:
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_UPTIMETYPE: Set to sql to configure Pump to store logs in a SQL based database.
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_TYPE: Set to postgres to configure Pump to use a PostgreSQL database for uptime data.
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_CONNECTIONSTRING: Set the connection string for the PostgreSQL database.
An example configuration is shown below:
TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_CONNECTIONSTRING=user=postgres password=topsecretpassword host=tyk-postgres port=5432 database=tyk_analytics
Further details for configuring an uptime SQL database are available here
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Uptime Data To A Mongo Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write to a Mongo database, using the following environment variables:
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_UPTIMETYPE: Set to mongo to configure Pump to store logs in a Mongo database.
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_MONGOURL: Set to Mongo database connection string.
- TYK_PMP_UPTIMEPUMPCONFIG_COLLECTIONNAME: Set to the name of the collection used to store uptime analytics.
Further details for configuring a Tyk Mongo Pump are available here
How to Configure Tyk Pump To Write Logs?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write logs to Mongo or SQL based databases.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Logs To A Mongo Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write to a Mongo database by setting the following environment variables:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_TYPE: Set to mongo to configure Pump to store logs in a Mongo database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_MONGOURL: Set the connection string for the Mongo database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_COLLECTION_NAME: Set the name of the collection that will store logs in the Mongo database.
An example is listed below:
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Logs To A SQL Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write logs to SQL based databases. This section provides examples for how to configure Tyk Pump to write to Postgres or MySQL databases.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Logs To A PostgreSQL Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write to a PostgreSQL database by setting the following environment variables:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_TYPE: Set to SQL to configure Pump to store logs in a SQL based database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_TYPE: Set to postgres to configure Pump to store logs in a PostgreSQL database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_CONNECTIONSTRING: Set the name of the connection string for the PostgreSQL database.
TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_CONNECTIONSTRING=user=postgres password=topsecretpassword host=tyk-postgres port=5432 database=tyk_analytics
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Logs To A MySQL Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write to a MySQL database by setting the following environment variables:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_TYPE: Set to SQL to configure Pump to store logs in a SQL based database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_TYPE: Set to mysql to configure Pump to store logs in a MySQL database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_LOGS_META_CONNECTIONSTRING: Set the name of the connection string for the MySQL database.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Aggregated Analytics Data?
Aggregated analytics corresponds to data that is used for the display of charts and graphs in dashboard. Tyk Pump can be configured to write aggregated analytics data to SQL based databases or MongoDB.
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Aggregated Analytics To A SQL Database?
Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.
Storage of aggregated analytics data has been tested with PostgreSQL and SqlLite databases. The following environment variables can be used to manage this configuration:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_SQLAGGREGATE_TYPE: Set to sql_aggregate to configure Pump to store aggregated analytics data for charts and graphs in dashboard to a SQL based database.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_SQLAGGREGATE_META_TYPE: The database engine used to store aggregate analytics. Tested values are postgres or sqlite.
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_SQLAGGREGATE_META_CONNECTIONSTRING: The connection string for the database that will store the aggregated analytics.
The example below demonstrates how to configure Tyk Pump to write aggregated to a PostgreSQL database:
TYK_PMP_PUMPS_SQLAGGREGATE_META_CONNECTIONSTRING=user=postgres password=topsecretpassword host=tyk-postgres port=5432 database=tyk_aggregated_analytics
How To Configure Tyk Pump To Write Aggregated Analytics To A Mongo Database?
Tyk Pump can be configured to write aggregated analytics data to MongoDB. Aggregated analytics are written to a collection named z_tyk_analyticz_aggregate_{ORG ID}, where ORG_ID corresponds to the ID of your organization assigned by Tyk.
The following environment variables can be used as a minimum to manage this configuration:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_MONGOAGGREGATE_TYPE: Set to mongo-pump-aggregate to configure Pump to store aggregated analytics data in a MongoDB database.
An example is given below:
- TYK_PMP_PUMPS_MONGOAGGREGATE_META_MONGOURL=mongodb://db_host_name:27017/tyk_aggregated_analytics_db