Approve Self Registering Requests

Last updated: 1 minute read.

Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal

If you are interested in getting access contact us at [email protected]


This section explains how to approve/reject external users self-registering requests to the developer portal. Follow the step-by-step guide.


A Tyk Enterprise portal installation

Step by step instructions

  1. Click Users from the API Consumers menu

Portal API Users menu

  1. When a new user has self-registered to access the developer portal, their user profile will be added to the overview in the Users section.

List of Users for your portal app

  1. To approve a user, click on an inactive user. Select Activate developer from the dialog.

Select Activate developer

Automatically approve user registrations

If you want all Users to be automatically approved this setting can be changed under Settings > General. Select Auto approve developer regestering requests.

Setting to automatically approve user registrations