Multi-cloud and hybrid API management

Powerful, flexible API management for multi-cloud and hybrid environments

Complex environment? No problem.

Tyk’s flexible and scalable multi-cloud API management solution enables you to control multiple API gateways across several cloud providers and their respective regions, all through a centralized dashboard. Make use of compute, storage, cloud-based assets, software and applications from multiple cloud providers in a single heterogeneous architecture.

Our hybrid offering lets you manage your Tyk gateways while we manage the dashboard. You can mix Tyk gateways to be deployed on-premises infrastructure with private and public cloud services easily, giving you ultimate flexibility that fits your hybrid cloud strategy. With Tyk’s simple hybrid solution, you can manage multiple environments with ease.

In Hybrid, we manage your control pane for you. This  includes your dashboard and the database dependencies: Redis and Mongo/PostgreSQL for each of your environments. 

In this setup, all your edge gateways are ephemeral, which means you can rest easy without having to worry about managing and persisting your API’s data or managing a MongoDB instance. If any node crashes or a cloud provider’s region goes down, simply spin up a new cluster in another cloud provider and we’ll automatically push everything to your new cluster (APIs, keys, certificates and so on).

Whether you’re operating a single or multi-cloud environment on a hybrid setup, we provide the high availability and key features that enable you to operate efficiently and effectively. 

With the time saved, you can further explore Tyk’s offerings. From our no-code, next-gen Universal Data Graph, which allows you to integrate your existing services into a single GraphQL endpoint, to our Kubernetes-native Tyk Operator, we put powerful tools in your hands.

Tyk’s API management solution for multi-cloud and hybrid deployments is highly secure and fully featured. Why not try it out for free today? 

Get started

Orchestrate which APIs go where

Tyk allows you to choose on which gateways/regions your APIs are loaded, while managing those APIs from the same dashboard.

Deploy closer

Use the multi-cloud/hybrid model to deploy edge gateways closer to your customers and your servers. Goodbye, latency! 

Forgo duplication

Just because you need to publish your APIs to different regions doesn’t mean you need to duplicate them.

Manage your APIs from a single dashboard to allow your code to stay true to a single source and decrease operational complexity.

Make your API gateway solution work for you – not the other way around

We’re all busy people. So why over-complicate things?

With Tyk, you can bring granular control to your API management without adding a load of bloated systems on top of your architecture. Lightweight and highly performant, our platform is designed to wrap around your existing infrastructure without you needing to change anything.

The result? Flexible, powerful API management that can be deployed across multiple data centers, with auto-scaling and a single dashboard for granular control.

Highly performant

Blistering performance and a solution that allows your developers to build faster. Check out our performance benchmarks here.

Flexible and powerful

Scale vertically, horizontally and infinitely with our lightweight API management platform.

Open source

Cloud-native and open source, Tyk has a thriving community and a transparent approach.