Architect and build a high-performance, secure API platform

From individual APIs to your entire platform, performance and security incidents can make or break your business. 

Latency is bad. Data leaks are worse. 

Then there’s the ever-present spectre of a lack of standards on naming, security implementations, and the verbosity of errors within the organization that’s seemingly unenforceable. 

Thankfully, you don’t need to lose any sleep. Ultra-flexible and easy to use, Tyk is here to help you achieve the performant, secure API platform your business deserves.


Understanding the headaches

Architecting and building a high-performance, secure API platform can come with plenty of headaches and irritations.

In performance terms, APIs need to be scalable across several dimensions: bursty traffic, general P99 metrics, native integrations with observability and tooling, tracing, and more. All of this should be centralized and visible to the platform team..

On the security front, you need to implement robust access control, secure your data, integrate with user management/single sign-on (SSO) and meet all your compliance obligations. Your business model, finances and reputation depend on it. All it takes is one major incident.


How does Tyk help?


Flexible architecture

Tyk has always been designed for performance. Our flexible architecture allows vertical and horizontal scaling in VM, Containerized, and binary environments. The Worker gateway is completely decoupled from the control plane, giving you redundancy and scalability in every dimension.


What is being shipped should never be a mystery, or rely on word of mouth. Tyk offers tooling like API templates, OPA, Tyk Operator, and more, allowing platform team operators to implement guard rails and overwatch over every inch of their organization’s API landscape. The best part is that all of this is entirely automatable and declarative.


Easy compliance – security, consistency and standardisation to keep your regulators happy without stifling innovation. We’ve learned lessons along the way from our own compliance journey.

Unmatched flexibility

Ultimate flexibility and accountability – our audit logs show who has done what, so you can track every change and retrace your steps if needed at every stage of building your API platform.


3 benefits to
Tyk’s solution

Plug and play with open standards

Easily and quickly create APIs that comply with open standards.


Industry-standard security, out of the box

Implement robust security with just a few clicks through the user-friendly Tyk Dashboard.


Shift-left testing

Use Tyk’s Dashboard Debugger to ensure everything is working as it should be and catch bugs early.