Kubernetes Operator

Kubernetes native API management

Tyk’s Kubernetes Operator brings GitOps practices to API management processes.

Tyk allows you to describe the entire API management system declaratively as if you’re managing Kubernetes resources. From API definitions to security policies, this shortens the learning curve and allows you to integrate Tyk into your CI/CD pipeline seamlessly.

The canonical desired state of your gateway configurations versioned in Git means that you have full audit capabilities. API versioning becomes trivial from blue/green, to rolling updates and rollback – in line with your organization’s defined practices. API security configurations are stored alongside your application source code, meaning that drifts can be easily picked up and reconciled and there is no need to manually coordinate deployments across multiple teams.

Once team members have collaborated and approved any changes, they can be packaged up and applied to any Tyk installation with your favorite CI/CD tooling.

Tyk Operator is then responsible for taking your desired API management configurations and applying them to the system.

“GitOps is the best thing since configuration as code. Git changed how we collaborate, but declarative configuration is the key to dealing with infrastructure at scale, and sets the scene for the next generation of management tools.” 

Kelsey Hightower

Kubernetes custom resources

Interact with Tyk custom resources as you would normally do with ingress, deployments, services and other native Kubernetes resources.

Leverage plugins inside your favorite IDE to get full IntelliSense for the Tyk management APIs.

Operate API management

You can do it consistently across geographies, infrastructures and deployment topologies.

Whether your flavor of Tyk is fully open source, self-managed, pure SaaS or you have a hybrid setup with globally distributed gateways, Tyk Operator can centrally and consistently operate Tyk from a single centralized pane.

DevOps best practices

GitOps enabled Tyk brings enhanced security, compliance, audit, versioning, ability to revert consistently on failure and repeatable deployments with well defined backup and restore strategy.

Improved collaboration, developer experience and productivity using established best practices for web scale application delivery.