Governance and compliance without losing speed


What if you could simultaneously please your auditors and regulators and ensure your developers can move quickly but not break things?

Ideal for highly regulated industries, Tyk ensures you can tick all the right compliance boxes without breaking the bank. Within Tyk, you can set guardrails to ensure your developers can innovate at blistering speed without sacrificing safety and security.


What are the problems related to governance and compliance?

Between industry-specific obligations and regulatory requirements associated with operating in different parts of the world, compliance is often a painful topic. And that’s before you throw national data sovereignty complications into the mix.

How do you ensure your API platform keeps your regulators happy while not adding overheads to productivity?

It’s crucial to strike a balance between compliance and innovation. This means giving your developers the necessary freedom to innovate at pace and scale while also ensuring your operations stay compliant.


Tyk to the rescue

Efficient governance

Govern and optimize your platform efficiently and affordably – no extensive training or complex integration, just the flexible solution you need for security, data privacy, reliable quality and standardization.

Centralized pipeline

Centralized governance in your CI/CD pipeline and GitOps integration lets developers move fast without breaking things. Implement guardrails with single sign-on, role-based access control (RBAC), and enhance them with Open Policy Agent (OPA) for fine-grained, granular control.

Developer portal

Use Tyk’s developer portal for self-service access to API keys. Display everything about your APIs, endpoints and usage with documentation outlining best practices, development and usage guidelines, coding standards and more for consistent, reliable governance.

Deploy in any region

Deploy Tyk in any region, getting close to your users and respecting local data sovereignty and compliance requirements with easy data sharding that balances local transactions with centralised control and deployment. 


3 benefits to
Tyk’s solution

Centralized control and visibility

Govern and optimize everything centrally through the user-friendly Tyk Dashboard.


  Fine-grained control

Use Tyk’s Open Policy Agent for ultimate granular permissions control over your users.


  Regional success

Comply with in-region data residency requirements with regional deployments and data sharding.