Tyk 5.1: Building powerful data graphs and enhanced resilience

Stability, resilience and business value are at the core of this latest Tyk 5.1 release. We’ve improved our GraphQL schema stitching, delivered ready-to-go Universal Data Graph example configurations in the Tyk Dashboard, and enhanced the core stability of the Tyk API management platform in multiple ways. Here’s how.

Ready, set, UDG!

Universal Data Graph (UDG) is powerful, exciting, and… sometimes hard to get started with. If you’re trying it for the first time, we appreciate that it’s easy to get bogged down in configuring the schema and all the data sources you need.

Not anymore! We provide ready-to-go Universal Data Graph example configurations in Tyk Dashboard for UDG’s first-time users or even those needing a quick knowledge refresh.

With this new feature, you can import a fully functional UDG that we at Tyk created ourselves. You’ll be playing with it in seconds.

You can find a list of examples with descriptions and details in the Tyk Dashboard. Simply choose the one you would like to import to your setup then enjoy trying out UDG for yourself. It’s fast, efficient and oh-so-Tyk.

Improved GraphQL schema stitching

Tyk’s GraphQL schema stitching provides a viable alternative to GraphQL federation.

We’ve been enabling schema stitching for a while through stitching multiple GraphQL data sources in Universal Data Graph. There’s been an element of workarounds involved – a bit more confusing and complicated than we tend to like here at Tyk.

Tyk 5.1 tackles this head-on. You can now attach GraphQL data sources to any field in the Universal Data Graph schema. You can define an operation and variables for each data source. Essentially, you can now use GraphQL at any level of the Universal Data Graph schema. Oh, and you can use objects returned from other data sources as operation variables, too.

It’s simple, effective and opens up a whole new experience for anyone looking for a GraphQL federation alternative.

Enhanced core platform stability

Tyk’s core platform already ticks a whole heap of boxes when it comes to stability and resilience. But, with every element of Tyk, we’re always looking for ways to make things better. Because when we make Tyk better, it means you can do better things with it. That’s why we homed in on core stability and resilience with this latest update.

The latest Tyk tweaks to benefit your business include:

  • Tyk Gateway and Dashboard updated to Golang version 1.19 – Tyk Dashboard and Gateway are using Golang 1.19, starting with the 5.1 release, to benefit from the latest Go features and security enhancements. If you’re using GoPlugins, remember to recompile them to maintain compatibility with the latest gateway.
  • Request body size limits – You can now limit the size of requests made to your APIs at the gateway level and configure API level and per-endpoint size limits. This new option provides a first-line of defence against overly large requests that might affect your gateways or upstream services.
  • Dashboard analytics for API ownership – we’ve added a new “owned analytics” role as part of our role-based access control and API ownership in Tyk Dashboard. You can use it to restrict a user’s access to dashboard analytics screens that relate only to the APIs they own.

Find out all the details about this release in our release notes. We’ll leave you to start enjoying these new features and capabilities, but if there’s anything you want to discuss, we’re here for you.