Complete automation, governance, declarative design: An APIM Platform that supports your platform strategy

Different product teams, different tech stacks, different API types, and different CI CD pipelines doesn’t need to mean a lack of visibility, governance, insight, and efficiency.   

Tyk enables Platform teams by providing, centralized, declarative, version-control driven, and composable API Management which allows Platform teams to create incredible development experiences for all of the Developers which rely on them.

Declarative, automated, full control and flexibility, governance, all out of the box.

Automation from day one

Completely automated and declarative.  Build the pipelines once, and forget it exists.

Platform teams take note: Security out of the box

Our customers keep telling us, “it just works”.  Platform teams set the guardrails, build the pipelines, and then kick their feet up.  Developers are enabled to quickly build, test, and deploy APIs within the confines of the organization’s rules.  Complete security, visibility, governance, whilst being declarative from day one and compatible with your change-management process.

Complete automated

CRDs, APIs, CLI tools: Tyk provides all the tools to automate every inch of the API Management stack. “Tyk” a look at Tyk Operator for k8s-native declarative API management.


Complete Governance

Customized Rules with OPA, OOTB precision RBAC security, multi-team + multi-org set ups, complete isolation of software AND hardware, it’s batteries included with Tyk.  All the tools to comply with the strongest requirements.


One seamless API experience for your end-users 

Drive value building APIs that your consumers adore.  

First impressions count

See what you get when you use the Tyk Dashboard and how easy it is to manage your APIs in one place.

It felt like the situation, where we didn’t have a central way of managing our APIs, was not sustainable in the long term. If we didn’t start to centralise these things we wouldn’t know how many solutions around API management were being developed in silo. We needed a centralised framework… The Tyk setup was pretty straightforward and it kind of just works out-of-the-box.

Rohit Srivastava, Senior Engineering Manager, MiQ

Watch how easy it is to sync Tyk to version control system.