Implement reliable API security in minutes with Tyk API Gateway

Robust, consistent API security in just a few clicks.

  • Apply multiple security options easily
  • Implement robust access control and protection
  • Lock down your APIs and microservices
  • Trusted by global banks, governments, healthcare providers, fintechs, telcos and more

Industry-standard security

Use Tyk for:

  • Authentication and authorisation – lock down your APIs and microservices
  • Key level security and key hashing
  • TLS and mTLS

All the features you need, straight out of the box

Tyk includes everything you need, straight out of the box:

  • No tools hidden behind a paywall, limits on what you can achieve or price hikes after the first year
  • Designed to work with open standards and OpenTelemetry
  • User-friendly dashboard for enabling multiple security options via policies

Easy best-practice API security

Defend against common vulnerabilities and exploits with Tyk:

  • Monitor APIs continually in real-time
  • Delegate responsibility for authorisation and authentication to third-party identity providers
  • Secure microservices architectures