Catch up with Tyk’s latest features and capabilities!

Do you ever feel like there’s been such a whirlwind of activity recently that you need to pause, take a breath and take stock of what’s been happening? That’s certainly the way it feels here at Tyk of late. We’ve been adding so many capabilities and features so fast, that it’s time to take a moment to catch up. In that spirit, here’s our roundup of the latest developments with our universal API management solution.

Going OAS-native

One of the most exciting recent developments is that Tyk is now OAS-native. Our native support for the OpenAPI specification is one of several ways that we’re supporting our clients to achieve faster time to value. Our OAS-native offering reached feature maturity earlier this year as part of our Tyk 5.3 release (following early access from Tyk 4.1 onwards).

This capability means you can deploy directly from your OAS API definition onto the Tyk Gateway. Simple. But that’s not all…

We’ve made it easier to create and configure your APIs in other ways, too. We’ve given the API Designer in Tyk Dashboard an overhaul, making it much easier to interact with. We’ve also introduced API templating. You can manage API templates through Tyk Dashboard, using them as starting blocks to create a new Tyk OAS API definition faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Empowering progress through observability

Observability is another big-ticket item that’s been in the Tyk spotlight of late. From Tyk 5.2 onwards, we’ve put the power of OpenTelemetry (OTel) at your fingertips. It means you can implement end-to-end distributed tracing to enhance your API monitoring. We’ve made it easy to enable and configure OTel in Tyk API Gateway, so you can customize trace detail levels in line with your monitoring needs.

Observability is a key area of focus in the API sector right now – and for good reason. Implemented well, it can help you pinpoint errors faster, reduce your mean time to resolution when something goes wrong and prevent slowdowns. This supports an enhanced end-user experience while giving you plenty of new insights on which to base your business decisions. Everybody wins.

Embracing efficiency with APIOps

APIOps is also top of mind for a lot of businesses working with APIs currently. Blending DevOps and API management, APIOps is delivering greater efficiency, increased automation and faster release cycles to those who embrace it.

Tyk is supporting businesses to move from API chaos to APIOps with a range of new and improved capabilities. We’ve made some changes to Tyk Operator, making CI/CD integrations easier and deployment times faster through automated testing. We’ve also implemented some changes to Tyk Sync, which supports the smooth movement of APIs between development, staging and production environments.

The changes have enabled us to strengthen security for our customers, at the same time as empowering them to implement and deliver APIOps more efficiently.

Enabling your event-driven architecture

Another recent capability (we did mention at the outset that there are a lot!) is Tyk Streams. This is how we’re enabling businesses to power their event-driven architecture use cases, using the same API management solution that works for their REST and GraphQL APIs. It means our customers can enjoy the ease of using one universal solution, rather than having to implement and integrate different tools for different API-related tasks.

Tyk Streams empowers businesses to securely expose, manage and monetize real-time events. As a result, they can get more from their streaming and events APIs, all minus any worries about security, access, troubleshooting of discoverability. Tyk takes care of the lot.

And in the background…

These exciting new capabilities and features might be grabbing the headlines, but they are far from all we’ve been up to. We’re also working closely with our clients every day, supporting them to achieve their business goals and chart their roadmaps more effectively.

Our API platform maturity model is one example of how we’re doing this. It is driving forward API ecosystem success and helping companies face and solve their challenges, enabling platform teams to move in a better, more focused direction.

The maturity workshops that we hold with our clients ensure they are supported to get the best out of Tyk’s new and emerging capabilities, from OAS nativity to Tyk Streams. If you’re ready to take the next step on your API maturity journey, and harness the power of Tyk’s newest features, why not contact our team to book a workshop?