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Debian / Ubuntu


Ansible is required to run the following commands. Instructions on how install Tyk with shell is in the Shell tab.

Getting Started

  1. clone the tyk-ansible repositry
$ git clone https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-ansible
  1. cd into the directory
$ cd tyk-ansible
  1. Run initalization script to initialize environment
$ sh scripts/init.sh
  1. Modify hosts.yml file to update ssh variables to your server(s). You can learn more about the hosts file here

  2. Run ansible-playbook to install the following:

  • Redis
  • MongoDB
  • Tyk Dashboard
  • Tyk Gateway
  • Tyk Pump
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -t tyk-pro -t redis -t mongodb

You can choose to not install Redis or MongoDB by removing the -t redis or -t mongodb respectively. However Redis and MongoDB are a requirment and need to be installed for the Tyk Pro to run.

Supported Distributions

Distribution Version Supported
Debian 10
Debian 9
Debian 8
Ubuntu 20
Ubuntu 18
Ubuntu 16
Ubuntu 14


Before installing the Tyk components in the order below, you need to first install Redis and MongoDB.

Getting Started

Install MongoDB 4.0

You should follow the online tutorial for installing MongoDb. We will be using version 4.0. As part of the Mongo installation you need to perform the following:

  1. Import the public key
  2. Create a list file
  3. Reload the package database
  4. Install the MongoDB packages
  5. Start MongoDB
  6. Check the mongod service is running

Install Redis

sudo apt-get install -y redis-server

Install Tyk Pro on Ubuntu

Installing Tyk on Ubuntu is very straightforward using our APT repositories, follow the guides and tutorials in this section to have Tyk up and running in no time.

The suggested order would be to install Tyk Dashboard, then Tyk Pump and then Tyk Gateway for a full stack.


For a production environment, we recommend that the Gateway, Dashboard and Pump are installed on separate machines. If installing multiple Gateways, you should install each on a separate machine. See Planning for Production For more details.