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Key Value secrets storage for configuration in Tyk

Tyk Gateway as of v3.0 supports storing secrets in KV systems such as Vault, Consul. You can reference these values from the KV store in your tyk.conf or API definition. This has many benefits such as:

  • Allows for ease of updating secrets across multiple machines rather than having to manually update each and everyone of them.
  • Allows for proper separation of concerns. Developers don’t have access to these secrets. Devops and/or only authorised people do and just pass along the name used to store the secret in the KV store.
  • Using the local “secrets” section inside tyk.conf allows you to have per Gateway variables, like machine ID, and inject it as part of headers or body.

Supported engines

  • Consul
  • Vault
  • Local secrets section inside config.

Example configuration inside tyk.conf

  "kv": {
    "consul": {
      "address": "localhost:8025",
      "scheme": "http",
      "datacenter": "dc-1",
      "timeout": 30,
      "http_auth": {
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password"
      "wait_time": 10,
      "token": "Token if available",
      "tls_config": {
        "address": "",
        "ca_path": "",
        "ca_file": "",
        "cert_file": "",
        "key_file": "",
        "insecure_skip_verify": false
    "vault": {
      "address": "http://localhost:1023",
      "agent_adress": "input if available",
      "max_retries": 3,
      "timeout": 30,
      "token": "token if available",
      "kv_version": 2
  "secrets": {
  "gateway": "secret"

See detailed configuration reference

Usage information

The KV system can be used in the following places:

  • Configuration file - tyk.conf
  • API Definition: currently, only the listen path and target URL
  • Body transforms and URL rewrites

For using inside the Tyk configuration file, target URL and listen path, pls use the following notation:

Store Example
Consul consul://path/to/value
Vault vault://engine/path/to/secret.actual_secret_name
Configuration file secrets://value

For body transforms and URL rewrites, the prefixes are $secret_vault., $secret_consul. and $secret_conf.


For Vault, you need to specify like vault://engine/path/to/secret.actual_secret_name.

Vault is a little different as per how it keeps secrets, multiple secrets can be under one key.

So we use the dot notation for retrieving the exact one we need such as below:

If you want to set local “secrets” section as environment variable, you should use the following notation: TYK_GW_SECRETS=key:value,key2:value2