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Enable single sign on for admin users

Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal

If you are interested in getting access, contact us at [email protected]


In this section, you’ll learn how to enable single sign-on for admin users with 3rd party identity providers.


  • A Tyk Enterprise portal installation.

Step by step instructions

  1. Install Tyk Identity Broker.
  2. Create TIB configuration file to work with the Developer portal:

            "Endpoint":"https://{your portal host}",
            "Port":"{your portal port}",

Setting reference: TykAPISettings.DashboardConfig.Endpoint is the Developer portal url. Pay attention if any of the elements (TIB or Portal) is running on containers. TykAPISettings.DashboardConfig.Port is the Developer portal port. TykAPISettings.DashboardConfig.AdminSecret is PortalAPISecret in the configuration file of the Developer portal. The full reference for the configuration file is in the TIB section of the documentation.

  1. Create a TIB profile to work on your identity provider. Navigate to the TIB configuration section for step-by-step instructions.
  2. Once TIB profile is created, you need to change the following parameter:
  • OrgID must be 0 for being accepted as a provider-admin or super-admin.
  • IdentityHandlerConfig.DashboardCredential is PortalAPISecret in the configuration file of the Developer portal.
  • ReturnURL should be “http://{portal host}:{portal port}/sso”.
  • ProviderConfig.FailureRedirect should be “http://{portal host}:{portal port}/?fail=true”.
  1. Create a login page for admin users. We don’t supply a login page for single sign-on out of the box so you need to create one. Here is an example of such page:
      <title>Tyk Developer portal login</title>
      <b> Login to the Developer portal</b>
      <form method=“post” action=“http://localhost:3010/auth/1/ldap”>
        username: <input type=“text” name=“username”/> <br/>
        password: <input type=“text” name=“password”/> <br/>
        <input type=“submit” value=“login”>
  1. Now you should be able to login with your identity provider.