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Installing Tyk

The main ways to install the Open Source Tyk Gateway in a Kubernetes cluster are via Helm charts or via Kubernetes manifest files.

Tyk Helm Charts

This is the preferred way to install Tyk Self-Managed Pro on Kubernetes. We are actively working to add flexibility and more user flows to our chart. Please reach out to our teams on support or the cummunity forum if you have questions, requests or suggestions for improvements. Go to Tyk OSS Helm Charts for detailed installation instructions.

Kubernetes manifest files

This is not the main support way to install Tyk but we do offer instruction on this installation choice in the repo tyk-oss-k8s-deployment GitHub repo.
For advice and help, reach out via the usual channels, our support team or the Tyk community forum.

Tyk Operator

For GitOps workflow used with the Tyk Gateway or setting it as a Kubernetes ingress controller, see our Tyk Operator repo.