Manage Key Requests

Last updated:


You’ve reached a page related to the Tyk Classic Portal. If you were searching for API documentation of the new Tyk Developer Portal please use the latest Postman collection page.

Future deprecation of Tyk Classic Portal

This product is no longer actively developed as it has been superseded by the new Tyk Developer Portal.
Please note that the Tyk Classic Portal now has limited support and maintenance. Please contact us at [email protected]if you have any questions.

List key requests

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/requests
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param p={page-num} (optional, set to -1 for no paging)
Param approved={true or false} (optional, returns false for Pending Key Requests, or true for Approved Key Requests)

Sample Request

GET /api/portal/requests?p=0 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  "Data": [{
    "id": "5ad097c87af3f40001b27f40",
    "org_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "for_plan": "5a9847db3602190001f44427", // deprecated
    "apply_policies": ["5a9847db3602190001f44427"],
    "by_user": "5a9ea3a019efc400011107ae",
    "fields": {},
    "approved": false,
    "date_created": "2018-04-13T11:43:04.698Z",
    "version": "v2",
    "jwt_secret": "",
    "portal_developer": {
        "id": "5a9ea3a019efc400011107ae",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "date_created": "2018-03-06T14:20:16.876Z",
        "inactive": false,
        "org_id": "57ecd735f467ac0001000003",
        "keys": {
            "<key-id>": ["<policy-id>"],
        "subscriptions": {
            "<policy-id>": "<key-id>",
        "fields": {},
        "nonce": "",
        "sso_key": ""
    "catalogue_entry": {
        "name": "New catalogue",
        "short_description": "",
        "long_description": "",
        "show": true,
        "api_id": "",
        "policy_id": "5a9847db3602190001f44427",
        "documentation": "5acd2f1b4242d10001ab2cbc",
        "version": "v2",
        "config": {
          "id": "",
          "org_id": "",
          "signup_fields": [],
          "key_request_fields": [],
          "require_key_approval": false,
          "redirect_on_key_request": false,
          "redirect_to": "",
          "disable_login": false,
          "disable_signup": false,
          "disable_auto_login": false,
          "catalogue_login_only": false,
          "mail_options": {
            "mail_from_name": "",
            "mail_from_email": "",
            "email_copy": {
              "welcome_email": {
                "enabled": false,
                "subject": "",
                "body": "",
                "sign_off": "",
                "hide_token_data": false
              "key_email": {
                "enabled": false,
                "subject": "",
                "body": "",
                "sign_off": "",
                "hide_token_data": false
          "override": false

  "Pages": 0

Get a specific key request

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/requests/{id}
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

GET /api/portal/requests/554c789030c55e4ca0000002 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  "id": "554c789030c55e4ca0000002",
  "org_id": "53ac07777cbb8c2d53000002",
  "by_user": "554c733a30c55e4b16000002",
  "fields": {},
  "approved": true,
  "date_created": "2015-05-08T04:49:20.992-04:00",
  "version": "v2",
  "for_plan": "554c789030c55e4ca0101002", // deprecated
  "apply_policies": ["554c789030c55e4ca0101002"]

Approve a key request

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/requests/approve/{id}
Method PUT
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

PUT /api/portal/requests/approve/554c789030c55e4ca0000002 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response:


Create a key request

Key requests are an easy way to associate developer accounts with new policies, they do not need to be linked to API Catalog entries, they represent an instruction to Tyk to combine a generate a token with a specific policy ID, and to associate the token and policy with a specific developer account.

It is now required to pass a version parameter of v2 and for_plan if you wish to associate a key request with a policy ID legacy key requests will continue to work, but could cause issues as this version is deprecated in future releases.

By default, all key requests created for new catalog entries will be version 2.

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/requests
Method POST
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

POST /api/portal/requests HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

  "by_user": "554c733a30c55e4b16000002",
  "date_created": "2015-05-08T04:49:20.992-04:00",
  "fields": {
    "custom1": "sdf",
    "custom2": "sdf"
  "for_plan": "554c789030c55e4ca0101002", // deprecated
  "apply_policies": ["554c789030c55e4ca0101002"],
  "version": "v2"

Sample Response


Delete a specific key request

Property Description
Resource URL /api/portal/requests/{id}
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

DELETE /api/portal/requests/554c789030c55e4ca0000002 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Sample Response

  "Message":"Data deleted",