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Quick Start in Kubernetes

The tyk-k8s-demo library allows you stand up an entire Tyk Stack with all its dependencies as well as other tooling that can integrate with Tyk. The library will spin up everything in Kubernetes using helm and bash magic to get you started.

Getting Started


You will need the following tools to be able to run this library.

Tested on Linux/Unix based systems on AMD64 and ARM architectures

Possible deployments

This determines which flavor of Tyk you would like to install.

  • tyk-pro: Tyk pro self-managed single region
  • tyk-cp: Tyk pro self-managed multi region control plane
  • tyk-worker: Tyk worker gateway, this can connect to Tyk Cloud or a Tyk Control Plane
  • tyk-gateway: Tyk open source self-managed single region

Initial setup

Create .env file and update the appropriate fields with your licenses. If you require a trial license you can obtain one here. If you are looking to use the tyk-gateway deployment only you will not require any licensing as that is the open source deployment.

git clone https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-k8s-demo.git
cd tyk-k8s-demo
cp .env.example .env

Depending on the deployments you would like install set values of the LICENSE, MDCB_LICENSE and PORTAL_LICENSE inside the .env file.


If you are deploying this on Minikube you will need to enable the ingress addon. You do so by running the following:

minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress

Quick Start

./up.sh --expose port-forward --deployments portal,operator tyk-pro

This quick start command will stand up the entire Tyk stack along with the Tyk Enterprise Portal and the Tyk Operator.

Possible deployments

  • tyk-pro: Tyk pro self-managed single region
  • tyk-cp: Tyk pro self-managed multi region control plane
  • tyk-worker: Tyk worker gateway, this can connect to Tyk Cloud or a Tyk Control Plane
  • tyk-gateway: Tyk oss self-managed single region

Dependencies Options

Redis Options

  • redis: Bitnami Redis deployment
  • redis-cluster: Bitnami Redis Cluster deployment
  • redis-sentinel: Bitnami Redis Sentinel deployment

Storage Options

  • mongo: Bitnami Mongo database deployment as a Tyk backend
  • postgres: Bitnami Postgres database deployment as a Tyk backend

Supplementary Deployments

These options can be specified using the --deployments flag and will yield the following:

  • k6-traffic-generator: generates a load of traffic to seed analytical data.
  • operator: this deployment option will install the Tyk Operator and its dependency cert-manager.
    • operator-httpbin: creates two API example using the tyk-operator with that is protected and one that is not.
    • operator-graphql: creates a set of graphql API examples using the tyk-operator. Federation v1 and stitching examples.
  • portal:this deployment will install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as well as its dependency PostgreSQL.
  • Pump
    • pump-prometheus: this deployment will stand up a Tyk Prometheus pump with custom analytics that is fed into Grafana for visualization.

If you are running a POC and would like an example of how to integrate a specific tool. Please submit a request through the repository here.


./up.sh \
  --redis redis-cluster \
  --storage postgres \
  --deployments operator,operator-httpbin,pump-prometheus,k6-traffic-generator \
  --expose port-forward \


Start Tyk deployment

Create and start up the containers and the Tyk deployment

  ./up.sh [flags] [command]

Available Commands:

  -v, --verbose     	bool   	 set log level to debug
      --dry-run     	bool   	 set the execution mode to dry run. This will dump the kubectl and helm commands rather than execute them
  -n, --namespace   	string 	 namespace the tyk stack will be installed in, defaults to 'tyk'
  -f, --flavor      	enum   	 k8s environment flavor. This option can be set 'openshift' and defaults to 'vanilla'
  -e, --expose      	enum   	 set this option to 'port-forward' to expose the services as port-forwards or to 'load-balancer' to expose the services as load balancers or 'ingress' which exposes services as a k8s ingress object
  -r, --redis       	enum   	 the redis mode that tyk stack will use. This option can be set 'redis-cluster', 'redis-sentinel' and defaults to 'redis'
  -s, --storage     	enum   	 database the tyk stack will use. This option can be set 'postgres' and defaults to 'mongo'
  -d, --deployments 	string 	 comma separated list of deployments to launch
  -c, --cloud       	enum   	 stand up k8s infrastructure in 'aws', 'gcp' or 'azure'. This will require Terraform and the CLIs associate with the cloud of choice

Stop Tyk deployment

Shut down up the containers and the Tyk deployment

  ./down.sh [flags]

  -v, --verbose   	bool   	 set log level to debug
  -n, --namespace 	string 	 namespace the tyk stack will be installed in, defaults to 'tyk'
  -p, --ports     	bool   	 disconnect port connections only
  -c, --cloud     	enum     tear down k8s cluster stood up

The deployment will take 10 minutes as the installation is sequential and the dependencies require a bit of time before they are stood up. Once the installation is complete the script will print out a list of all the services that were stood up and how those can be accessed. The k6s job will start running after the script is finished and will run in the background for 15 minutes to generate traffic over that period of time. To visualize the live traffic you can use the credentials provided by the script to access Grafana or the Tyk Dashboard.


You can get the library to create demo clusters for you on AWS, GCP, or Azure. That can be set using the --cloud flag and requires the respective cloud CLI to be installed and authorized on your system. You will also need to specify the CLUSTER_LOCATION, CLUSTER_MACHINE_TYPE, CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT and GCP_PROJECT (for GCP only) parameters in the .env file.

You can find examples of .env files here:

For more information about cloud CLIs:


This library can also act as a guide to help you get set up with Tyk. If you just want to know how to set up a specific tool with Tyk you can run the library with the --dry-run and --verbose flags. This will output all the commands that the library will run to stand up any installation. This can be helpful for debugging as well as figuring out what configuration options are required to set these tools up.

Furthermore, you can also add any Tyk environment variables to your .env file and those variables will be mapped to their respective Tyk deployments.



Environments Variables

The script has defaults for minimal settings in this env file and it will give errors if something is missing. You can also add or change any Tyk environments variables in the .env file and they will be mapped to the respective extraEnvs section in the helm charts.

Variable Default Comments
TYK_DASHBOARD_VERSION v4.3.3 Dashboard version
TYK_GATEWAY_VERSION v4.3.3 Gateway version
TYK_MDCB_VERSION v2.1.0 MDCB version
TYK_PUMP_VERSION v1.7.0 Pump version
TYK_PORTAL_VERSION v1.1.0 Portal version
TYK_HELM_CHART_PATH tyk-helm Path to charts, can be a local directory or a helm repo
USERNAME [email protected] Default password for all the services deployed
PASSWORD topsecretpassword Default password for all the services deployed
LICENSE Dashboard license
PORTAL_LICENSE Portal license
TYK_WORKER_ORGID Org ID of dashboard user
TYK_WORKER_AUTHTOKEN Auth token of dashboard user
TYK_WORKER_USESSL true Set to true when the MDCB is serving on a TLS connection
TYK_WORKER_SHARDING_ENABLED false Set to true to enable API Sharding
TYK_WORKER_SHARDING_TAGS API Gateway segmentation tags
TYK_WORKER_GW_PORT 8081 Set the gateway service port to use
GCP_PROJECT The GCP project for terraform authentication on GCP
CLUSTER_LOCATION Cluster location that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE
CLUSTER_MACHINE_TYPE Machine type for the cluster that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE
CLUSTER_NODE_COUNT Number of nodes for the cluster that will be created on AKS, EKS, or GKE