Install and Configure Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal

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Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal

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Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal is available as a Docker container. To install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal, you need to launch the Docker image for the portal with a database to store the portal metadata. Optionally, you may decide to use S3 to store the portal CMS assets (image and theme files)

This guide explains how to install and bootstrap the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal. On average, it should take around 5-10 minutes to install it depending on your setup.

Enterprise Developer Portal Components

Portal deployment diagram

The portal deployment comprises of three main components:

  • The portal application itself
  • The portal’s main database that stores metadata related to the portal, such as API products, plans, developers, applications, and more
  • The asset storage, which stores CMS assets such as images, themes, and OpenAPI specification files. The assets could reside in the portal’s main database or separately in an S3 bucket or filesystem volume.

Optionally, there could be three additional components:

  • 3rd party identity provider. To enable oAuth2.0 for your API Products, you’ll need to utilize an OpenID-compliant third-party identity provider. It’s essential to note that the Tyk Stack doesn’t include third-party identity providers, so you should refer to your Identity Provider’s documentation for instructions on configuring and deploying it. This component is optional and required only for enabling oAuth2.0
  • Tyk Identity Broker. You only need this component if you want to configure Single Sign-On for the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal. For more guidance on this topic, please consult the Single Sign-On section of the documentation
  • Email server. The portal is capable of sending notifications to both admin users and developers when specific events happen within the portal. To enable this feature, you need to specify a connection configuration to an email server or service, and configure other email settings. You can choose to use a server that is installed on your premises or an SMTP-compatible SaaS product. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to the Email Settings section

Portal Installation Process

The portal installation process comprises two steps:

  1. Install the portal application. To install the portal and launch it in the bootstrap mode, you need to configure your portal instance by specifying settings such as TLS, log level, and database connection. For further guidance on launching the portal, please refer to one of the installation options: Docker container, Docker Compose, Helm chart, or RPM package.
  2. Bootstrap the portal After you’ve launched the portal, it will wait for you to provide credentials for the super admin user before it starts accepting traffic. Once you’ve created the super admin user, the portal will complete its installation process by creating the necessary database structure and initialising the required assets for its operations. You can bootstrap the portal either through the UI or using the bootstrap API. Please refer to the Bootstrapping section for implementing this step.

Installation Options for Enterprise Developer Portal

The Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal supports multiple installation flavors. Check out the guides below to deploy the portal on the platform that suits you best.


This section explains how to install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal in a container using Docker. Depending on your preferences, you can use MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite as database.

In this recipe, the database and the portal container will run on the same network, with the database storing its data on a volume. The portal’s CMS assets (images, files and themes) are stored in the database, although this guide provides links to the documentation to use a persistent volume or an S3 bucket as a storage medium for CMS assets. Additionally, all settings for the Portal are configured using an env-file.


This document is just an example. Customize all fields, including the username, password, root password, database name and more.

Be sure to update the connection DSN in the env-file accordingly.

Prerequisites To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with Docker, you should have installed Docker on the machine where you want to install the portal.

Using PostgreSQL

  1. Create a network for the portal deployment

    To start with, you need to create a Docker network for communication between the database and the portal. Execute the following command to create it:

    docker network create tyk-portal
  2. Create an init script for PostgreSQL

    To initialize a PostgreSQL database, you need to create an init script that will later be used to launch the PostgreSQL instance. Copy the content below to a file named init.sql, which you will need in the next step.

    -- init.sql
    -- Creating user
  3. Create the database volume and launch the database

    The next step is to launch the PostgreSQL database for the portal. To achieve this, create a data volume for the database first:

    docker volume create tyk-portal-postgres-data

    Then launch the PostgreSQL instance by executing the following command:

    docker run \
    -d \
    --name tyk-portal-postgres \
    --restart on-failure:5 \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secr3t \
    -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
    --mount type=volume,source=tyk-portal-postgres-data,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
    --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd)/init.sql,dst=/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql \
    --network tyk-portal \
    -p 5432:5432 \


    The above PostgreSQL configuration is an example. You can customize deployment of your PostgreSQL instance. Please refer to [the PostgreSQL documentation]( for further guidance.
  4. Create an environment variables file

    Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.

    PORTAL_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING=host=tyk-portal-postgres port=5432 dbname=portal user=admin password=secr3t sslmode=disable

    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with PostgreSQL in a Docker container.

  5. Pull and launch the portal container

    To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below. Ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7 for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.

    docker run -d \
        -p 3001:3001 \
        --env-file .env \
        --network tyk-portal \
        --name tyk-portal \

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  6. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  7. Clean up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

    docker stop tyk-portal
    docker rm tyk-portal
    docker stop tyk-portal-postgres
    docker rm tyk-portal-postgres
    docker volume rm tyk-portal-postgres-data

Using MySQL

  1. Create a network for the portal deployment

    To start with, you need to create a Docker network for communication between the database and the portal. Execute the following command to create it:

    docker network create tyk-portal
  2. Create the database volume and launch the database

    The next step is to launch the MySQL database for the portal. To achieve this, create a data volume for the database first:

    docker volume create tyk-portal-mysql-data

    Then launch the MySQL instance by executing the following command:

    docker run \
    -d \
    --name tyk-portal-mysql \
    --restart on-failure:5 \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=sup3rsecr3t \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=portal \
    -e MYSQL_USER=admin \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=secr3t \
    --mount type=volume,source=tyk-portal-mysql-data,target=/var/lib/mysql \
    --network tyk-portal \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    mysql:5.7 --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci --sql-mode=ALLOW_INVALID_DATES
    The above MySQL configuration is an example. You can customize deployment of your MySQL instance.
    Please refer to the [MySQL documentation]( for further guidance.
    SQLite support will be deprecated from Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disrupution, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB or one of the listed compatible alternatives.
  3. Create an environment variables file

    Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.


    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with MySQL in a Docker container or via Docker Compose.

  4. Pull and launch the portal container

    To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below. Ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7 for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.

    docker run -d \
        -p 3001:3001 \
        --env-file .env \
        --network tyk-portal \
        --name tyk-portal \
        --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/themes,dst=/opt/portal/themes \
        --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/system,dst=/opt/portal/public/system \

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  5. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  6. Clean up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

    docker stop tyk-portal
    docker rm tyk-portal
    docker stop tyk-portal-mysql
    docker rm tyk-portal-mysql
    docker volume rm tyk-portal-mysql-data

Using Sqlite

Warning SQLite is useful for quick deployment and testing, however we don’t recommend using it in production.


Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.

  1. Create a volume for the portal’s database

    To start with, you need to create a single volume for sqlite:

    mkdir -p /tmp/portal/db
    chmod -R o+x,o+w /tmp/portal
  2. Create an environment variables file

    Creating an environment variables file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration] section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.


    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with SQLite in a Docker container.

  3. Pull and launch the portal container

    To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below. Ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7 for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.

    docker run -d \
        -p 3001:3001 \
        --env-file .env \
        --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/db,dst=/opt/portal/db \
        --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/themes,dst=/opt/portal/themes \
        --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/system,dst=/opt/portal/public/system \
        --name tyk-portal \

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  4. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  5. Clean Up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

    docker stop tyk-portal
    docker rm tyk-portal

    Since the SQLite data is persisted in the file system, you need to remove the following file for a complete deletion of the portal:

    rm -rf /tmp/portal/db

Docker Compose

This section provides a clear and concise, step-by-step recipe for launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal in a container using Docker Compose. Depending on your preferences, you can use MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite as database.

In this recipe, the database and the portal containers will run on the same network, with the database storing it’s data on a volume. The portal’s CMS assets (images, files and themes) are stored in the database, although this guide provides links to the documentation to use a persistent volume or an S3 bucket as a storage medium for CMS assets. Additionally, all settings for the Portal are configured using an env-file.


This document is just an example. Customize all fields, including the username, password, root password, database name and more.


To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with Docker Compose, you should have installed the following software:

Using PostgreSQL

  1. Create an init script for PostgreSQL

    To initialize a PostgreSQL database, you need to create an init script that will later be used to launch the PostgreSQL instance. Copy the content below to a file named init.sql, which you will need in the next step.

    -- init.sql
    -- Creating user
  2. Create an environment variables file for configuring the portal and the database

    Creating an environment file to specify settings for the portal is the next step.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.

    PORTAL_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING=host=tyk-portal-postgres port=5432 dbname=portal user=admin password=secr3t sslmode=disable

    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with PostgreSQL via Docker Compose.

  3. Create a docker-compose file

    Before launching the portal using docker-compose, you will need to create a docker-compose.yaml file. An example of the portal’s docker-compose file is provided below, which you can use as a starting point and further customize to meet your specific requirements.

    Ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7 for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.

    version: '3.6'
        - tyk-portal-postgres
        image: tykio/portal:<tag>
        - tyk-portal
        - 3001:3001
        image: postgres:10-alpine
        - tyk-portal-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
        - ${PWD}/init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
        - tyk-portal
        - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secr3t
        - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
  4. Pull and launch the portal container using docker-compose

    To launch the portal using docker-compose, execute the command provided below.

    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  5. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  6. Clean up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose down

Using MySQL

  1. Create an environment variables file for configuring the portal and the database

    The first step is to create an environment file to specify settings for the portal.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer the configuration section in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.


    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with MySQL via Docker Compose.

  2. Create a docker-compose file

    Before launching the portal using docker-compose, you will need to create a docker-compose.yaml file. An example of the portal’s docker-compose file is provided below, which you can use as a starting point and further customize to meet your specific requirements.

    Ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch before executing the command, e.g. tykio/portal:v1.7 for the portal v1.7. You can browse all available versions on Docker Hub and in the release notes section.

    version: '3.6'
        - tyk-portal-mysql
        image: tykio/portal:<tag>
        - tyk-portal
        - 3001:3001
        image: mysql:5.7
        command: --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
        - tyk-portal-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
        - tyk-portal   
  3. Pull and launch the portal container using docker-compose

    To launch the portal using docker-compose, execute the command provided below.

    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  4. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  5. Clean up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose down

Using Sqlite

  1. Create an environment variables file for configuring the portal and the database

    Creating an environment file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.

    Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to the [configuration section(//] in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.


    Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with SQLite via Docker Compose.

  2. Create a docker-compose file

    Before launching the portal using docker-compose, you will need to create a docker-compose.yaml file. An example of the portal’s docker-compose file is provided below, which you can use as a starting point and further customize to meet your specific requirements.

    version: '3.6'
        image: tykio/portal:<tag>
        - /tmp/portal/db:/opt/portal/db
        - 3001:3001
  3. Pull and launch the portal container using docker-compose

    To launch the portal using docker-compose, execute the command provided below.

    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
    docker-compose --env-file .env up -d

    This command will launch the portal on localhost at port 3001. Now, you can bootstrap the portal and start managing your API products.

  4. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first time you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

  5. Clean up

    If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and stop and remove the portal container:

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose down

    Since the SQLite data is persisted in the mounted volume (/tmp/portal/db in the above example), to completely erase the deployment, you will also need to delete it for a complete clean-up:

    rm -rf /tmp/portal/db
    rm -rf /tmp/portal/db


Using New Helm Chart

There are two ways to install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal. You can enable global.components.devPortal during Tyk Self-Managed deployment by following the Tyk Self-Managed installation instruction using our tyk-stack umbrella chart. It will install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal together with Tyk Gateway and Dashboard in the same namespace.

Alternatively, you can install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as standalone component using our tyk-dev-portal chart. This page provides a clear and concise, step-by-step guide for installing the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as standalone component using the new helm chart.

To install the portal using helm charts, you need to take the following steps:

  • Create the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret
  • Specify config settings for the portal in values.yaml
  • Launch the portal using the helm chart
  1. Create the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret

    Make sure the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret exists in your namespace. This secret will automatically be generated if Tyk Dashboard instance was bootstrapped with tyk-boostrap component chart and bootstrap.devPortal was set to true in the values.yaml.

    If the secret does not exist, you can create it by running the following command.

    kubectl create secret generic tyk-dev-portal-conf -n ${NAMESPACE} \
    --from-literal=TYK_ORG=${TYK_ORG} \

    The fields TYK_ORG and TYK_AUTH are the Tyk Dashboard Organization ID and the Tyk Dashboard API Access Credentials respectively. These can be obtained under your profile in the Tyk Dashboard.

  2. Config settings

    You must set the following values in the values.yaml or with --set {field-name}={field-value} using the helm upgrade command:

    Field Name Description and global.adminUser.password Set portal admin username and email for bootstrapping
    global.secrets.devPortal Enable portal bootstrapping by providing secret name
    license Tyk license key for your portal installation
    storage.type Portal storage type, e.g. fs, s3 and db
    image.tag Enterprise Portal version. You can get the latest version image tag from Docker Hub
    database.dialect Portal database dialect, e.g. mysql, postgres and sqlite3
    database.connectionString Connection string to the Portal’s database, e.g. for the mysql dialect: admin:secr3t@tcp(tyk-portal-mysql:3306)/portal?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true

    In addition to values.yaml, you can also define the environment variables described in the configuration section to further customize your portal deployment. These environment variables can also be listed as a name value list under the extraEnvs section of the helm chart.

  3. Launch the portal using the helm chart

    Run the following command to update your infrastructure and install the developer portal:

    helm install tyk-dev-portal tyk-helm/tyk-dev-portal -f values.yaml -n tyk

Please refer to this guide for an explanation of all configuration options.

Note: Helm chart supports Enterprise Portal v1.2.0+.

Using Legacy Helm Chart


It is recommended to use new helm charts instead of legacy charts. Guide for new charts can be found here

To install the portal using helm charts, you need to take the following steps:

  • Create the tyk-enterprise-portal-conf secret
  • Specify config settings for the portal in values.yaml
  • Launch the portal using the helm chart

This guide provides a clear and concise, step-by-step recipe for installing the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using helm charts.

  1. Create the tyk-enterprise-portal-conf secret

    Make sure the tyk-enterprise-portal-conf secret exists in your namespace. This secret will automatically be generated during the Tyk Dashboard bootstrap if the dash.enterprisePortalSecret value is set to true in the values.yaml.

    If the secret does not exist, you can create it by running the following command.

    kubectl create secret generic tyk-enterprise-portal-conf -n ${NAMESPACE} \
    --from-literal=TYK_ORG=${TYK_ORG} \

    Where TYK_ORG and TYK_AUTH are the Tyk Dashboard Organization ID and the Tyk Dashboard API Access Credentials respectively. Which can be obtained under your profile in the Tyk Dashboard.

  2. Config settings

    Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to [PostgreSQL](//, [MongoDB](//, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.

    You must set the following values in the values.yaml or with --set {field-name}={field-value} with the helm upgrade command:

    Field Name Description
    enterprisePortal.enabled Enable Portal installation
    enterprisePortal.bootstrap Enable Portal bootstrapping
    enterprisePortal.license Tyk license key for your portal installation Portal database dialect, e.g mysql, postgres or sqlite3 Connection string to the Portal’s database, e.g for the mysql dialect: admin:secr3t@tcp(tyk-portal-mysql:3306)/portal?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true

    In addition to values.yaml, you can also define the environment variables described in the configuration section to further customize your portal deployment. These environment variables can also be listed as a name value list under the extraEnvs section of the helm chart.

  3. Launch the portal using the helm chart

    Run the following command to update your infrastructure and install the developer portal:

    helm upgrade tyk-pro tyk-helm/tyk-pro -f values.yaml -n tyk
In case this is the first time you are launching the portal, it will be necessary to bootstrap it before you can use it. For detailed instructions, please refer to the bootstrapping documentation.

Note: Helm chart supports Enterprise Portal v1.2.0+.

Red Hat (RHEL / CentOS)

This guide provides a step-by-step recipe for launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using an RPM package in Red Hat environment (RHEL / CentOS).


This document is just an example. Customize all fields, including the username, password, root password, database name and more.

Be sure to update the connection DSN in the env-file accordingly.


To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal using RPM, your environment should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Connectivity to If your environment doesn’t have connectivity to packagecloud, you will need to download the portal package and copy it to the target host.
  • RPM Package Manager should be installed on the host machine.

Steps for Installation

  1. Download the portal package

    To start with, you need to download the portal package from To keep things organized, first create a directory where all installation assets (packages and config files) will be stored:

    mkdir ~/portal-install
    cd ~/portal-install

    Next, download the portal package from by executing the command below. Ensure to replace package-version with actual package version e.g. for the portal v1.7.0 for x86_64.

    wget --content-disposition "<package-version>"
  2. Install the portal package

    Once the package is downloaded, you need to install using RPM. Execute the below command to so. Once again, ensure to replace portal-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm with an actual filename of the package you have downloaded on the previous step.

    sudo rpm -i portal-1.7.0-1.x86_64.rpm
  3. Update the configuration file with your license

    Tyk no longer supports SQLite as of Tyk 5.7.0. To avoid disruption, please transition to [PostgreSQL](//, [MongoDB](//, or one of the listed compatible alternatives.

    Before starting the portal service, you need to configure the portal. Once the rpm package has been installed, the portal configuration file will be located in /opt/portal/portal.conf. Initially, the config file is filled with the default values. The minimal configuration change to start the portal is to add the LicenseKey property to the config file. The below sample configuration will start the portal on portal 3001 with SQLite as a database, no TLS enabled, and all CMS assets (images, theme files, etc.) are stored in the filesystem. You can, however, customize the provided example and make more suitable for your need using the configuration reference.

    "HostPort": 3001,
    "LicenseKey": "<your-license-here>",
    "Database": {
        "Dialect": "sqlite3",
        "ConnectionString": "portal.db",
        "EnableLogs": false
    "Blog": {
        "Enable": true
    "Site": {
        "Enable": true
    "Forms": {
        "Enable": false
    "StoreSessionName": "portal-store-session-name",
    "PortalAPISecret": "123456",
    "Storage": "fs",
    "S3": {
        "AccessKey": "your-access-key-here",
        "SecretKey": "your-secret-key-here",
        "Region": "s3-region",
        "Endpoint": "if-any",
        "Bucket": "your-bucket-here",
        "ACL": "",
        "PresignURLs": true
    "TLSConfig": {
        "Enable": false,
        "InsecureSkipVerify": false,
            "Name": "localhost",
            "CertFile": "portal.crt",
            "KeyFile": "portal.key"
  4. Start the portal service

    Now when the portal package is installed and the configuration is updated, it is time to start the portal by executing the following command:

    sudo systemctl start portal.service

    To check status and log of the portal execute the following command:

    systemctl status portal.service
  5. Bootstrap the portal

    Now the portal is running on port 3001, but it needs to be bootstrapped by providing credentials for the super admin user since it’s the first you are launching it. Follow the bootstrapping section of the documentation to bootstrap the portal via the UI or the admin API.

Bootstrapping Enterprise Developer Portal

When launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer portal for the first time, it starts in a special bootstrap mode, which is required to create the first admin user who will act as the super admin. After launching the portal, you can bootstrap it using either the portal UI or the bootstrap API.

This section explains how to bootstrap the portal using both the portal UI and the bootstrap API.

Bootstrapping the Portal via the UI

After launching the portal for the first time, you can use its UI to bootstrap it. The portal will display a form that allows you to create a super admin user and set their password.

Navigate to the portal UI in your browser to start bootstrapping the portal. You should see the following:

Portal bootstrap UI

Enter the admin email, password, first name, and last name. Then click on the Register to Developer portal button to complete the bootstrapping process.

The bootstrap process should take no longer than a couple of seconds, so almost instantly the portal will display the following page, which confirms the successful bootstrap.

Successful bootstrapping

Click on the Login button to proceed to the login page, where you can use the newly created super admin credentials to log in to the portal.

Bootstrapping the Portal via the API

The second approach to bootstrap the portal is through the bootstrap API, which allows you to programmatically bootstrap the portal.

To bootstrap the portal via an API call, call the bootstrap API:

curl --location 'http://<your-portal-host>:<your-portal-port>/portal-api/bootstrap' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "username":"[email protected]",
    "password": "tyk123",

The bootstrap API accepts the following parameters:

  • username - email of the super admin, it is also used as their login
  • password - the super admin login password
  • first_name - first name of the super admin
  • last_name - first name of the super admin

The bootstrap process should take no longer than a couple of seconds. You will receive the following response as a confirmation of the successful bootstrapping:

    "code": "OK",
    "message": "Bootstrapped user successfully",
    "data": {
        "api_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQcm92aWRlciI6Im5vbmUiLCJVc2VySUQiOiIkMmEkMTAkREF0czZhZTY0ZEZXSkFTbnR2OS8yLmMxcS91VTFhbTRGYk53RVJhTE1Ed2c0NHFsSXJnMkMifQ.ExTNl6UvjQA6WqrPE-7OkSNCBBixc2NGMnh3dnlk5Nw"

Take a note of the api_token field

You will need this to call other Portal APIs.

Login as the super admin

After you have bootstrapped the portal, either via the UI or the bootstrap API, you can use the super admin’s login credentials to log in to the portal. Open the portal UI in your browser and click on the ‘Login’ button to open the login page.

Open the login page

On the login page, enter the super admin credentials for logging into the portal:

Open the login page


Now you have a fully functional portal.

You can continue configuring and customizing it either via the UI or the portal admin API. Please refer to the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal Concepts section for further guidance.

Environment Variable Reference

For global configurations of the Developer Portal deployment refer this config file.

API Documentation

The Dashboard exposes two APIs:

  1. Enterprise Developer Portal API
  2. Enterprise Developer Portal Admin API