It’s alive! Tyk Cloud in open beta

Tyk Cloud, API Management SaaS Platform


Announcing Tyk Cloud

It’s happened, finally.

Today we’re happy to announce that Tyk is growing up, and that we’ve launched a cloud-based version of it.

Tyk Cloud is all the best bits of tyk, managed and deployed and supported by us. It’s free to use and is a great way for new users to get started with API management.

What will happen to the open source version?

That’s the beauty of this – we are offering a hosted version of Tyk, it only has minor differences, and major changes and new features are pushed to the open source and freely downloadable versions of the product – development will not stop.

It will accelerate though.

A cloud platform means users can get up and running quickly, can trial Tyk without needing an install, or manage their own Redis cluster or MongoDB back-end, we take care of all of that. We’ve also made sure that our usage tiers are fair, easily accessible and do not have eye-watering prices.

It’s a pretty big change, for those that have followed Tyk since our initial version, you’ll know that we went from an open sourced / licensed model, to a support based but free model quite quickly, the change from closed to free really helped us get traction, and most importantly, build a community. Moving Tyk to the cloud is a natural evolution for the project, and a great technical showcase of what it can do.

Tyk Cloud is entirely built using the Tyk REST API and the Tyk Advanced Management API, so as a proof of concept and as a test-bed it is an excellent way for us to innovate and continue to evolve the product for our community.

If you’d like an invite code, there’s a lovely little form here to apply – I hope you are too 🙂

Cheers, Martin