Tyk API Management Deployment Options

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

Tyk API Platform offers various deployment options, consisting of both open source and proprietary components.

Choosing the right one for your organization depends on your specific requirements and preferences.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance Contact us

Open Source Self-Managed Cloud
API Gateway Capabilities
  • Rate Limiting
  • Authentication
  • API Versioning
  • Granular Access Control
  • GraphQL
  • and much more
Version Control Integration
API Analytics Exporter
Tyk Dashboard -
Single Sign On (SSO) -
RBAC and API Teams -
Universal Data Graph -
Multi-Tenant -
Multi-Data Center -
Developer Portal -
Developer API Analytics -
Hybrid Deployments - -
Fully-Managed SaaS - -


Self-managed (On-Prem)

Tyk Self-Managed is the easiest way to install Tyk Full Lifecycle API Management solution in your infrastructure. There is no calling home, and there are no usage limits. You have full control.

See licensing and deployment models to learn about the different deployment options for Self-Managed.

Register here to get a 14-day temporary licenses for the Tyk Dashboard & Developer Portal:

Free trial

For longer duration trials, or to request trials of the other proprietary software please contact the Tyk Team and tell us about your plans:

Contact us

Cloud (Software as a Service / SaaS)

With Tyk Cloud, all of the above closed-source components are available. Get your free account here.

Open Source (OSS)

The Tyk Gateway is the backbone of all our solutions and can be deployed for free, forever. Visit the OSS section for more information on it and other open source components.

Explore the various open and closed source Tyk components that are part of the Tyk platform solutions.