Upgrade Guidelines

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

When considering upgrading your current configuration to a new Tyk release, we recommend you consider the following:

Upgrade strategy

Which strategy do you intend to use?

  • If following the Blue-Green upgrade strategy, has the green environment been configured and verified as production-ready?
  • If pursuing the Rolling upgrade strategy, do all Tyk components have a second instance?
  • If you’ll have downtime, estimate the expected duration of the upgrade process and plan for potential downtime.


Have backups been performed?

  • Databases: Have databases been properly backed up?
  • configuration files: Have you safely back up these file (using version control system such as git)?
  • Testing: Have you tested the backups to verify they can be successfully restored in a separate environment?
  • Backup guide: Have you checke our comprehensive guide for backing up Tyk?

Go plugins

Do you use custom go plugins with your APIs?

  • Go plugin must be recompiled for the new version.
  • Identify all Go plugins in use with all your API definitions.
  • Allow sufficient time for testing and troubleshooting Go plugins after the upgrade.

Linux users

Which Linux distributions is currently in use?

- Was Tyk deployed via a repository or a local package file `.rpm` (used be *CentOS* and *RHEL*) or `.deb` (*Debian*
 and its derivative *Ubuntu*)?
- Is the targeted version available on [packagecloud.io/tyk](https://packagecloud.io/tyk) or in an intended repository?


Communicate with stakeholders and users about the upgrade schedule and expected impact on services.

Upgrade Checklist:

  • Choose an upgrade strategy or manage downtime
  • Check Linux distribution and Tyk version availability
  • Perform and test backups
  • Identify and plan for custom Go plugin recompilation and testing
  • Communicate with stakeholders

Next Steps

Use the Upgrade Guides ToC to choose the appropriate upgrade guide for your platform.