Quick Start with Tyk OSS Helm Chart
The following guides provide instructions to install Redis and Tyk Open Source with default configurations. It is intended for quick start only. For production, you should install and configure Redis separately.
Quick Start
Quick start using tyk-oss
and Bitnami Redis chart
1. Install Redis and Tyk
helm repo add tyk-helm https://helm.tyk.io/public/helm/charts/
helm repo update
helm upgrade tyk-redis oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/redis -n $NAMESPACE --install --version $REDIS_BITNAMI_CHART_VERSION
helm upgrade tyk-oss tyk-helm/tyk-oss -n $NAMESPACE --create-namespace \
--install \
--set global.secrets.APISecret="$APISecret" \
--set global.redis.addrs="{tyk-redis-master.$NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local:6379}" \
--set global.redis.passSecret.name=tyk-redis \
--set global.redis.passSecret.keyName=redis-password
2. Done!
Now Tyk Gateway should be accessible through service gateway-svc-tyk-oss-tyk-gateway
at port 8080
You are now ready to create an API.
For the complete installation guide and configuration options, please see Tyk OSS Helm Chart.