Cloud Login Install


We will show you two methods of installing our Community Edition Gateway on Docker. The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose. Visit our Dockerhub to view the official images.


The following are required for a Tyk OSS installation:

  • Redis - Required for all Tyk installations. Simple Redis installation instructions are included below.
  • MongoDB - Required only if you chose to use the MongoDB Tyk Pump with your Tyk OSS installation. Same goes with any other pump data stores you choose to use.

How To Install?

Step 1 - Create a network

docker network create tyk

Step 2 - Deploy Redis into the network, with the 6379 port open

docker run -itd --rm --name tyk-redis --network tyk -p redis:4.0-alpine

Step 3 - Next, let’s download a JSON tyk.conf configuration file


Step 4 - Run the Gateway, mounting the conf file into the container

docker run \
  --name tyk_gateway \
  --network tyk \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $(pwd)/tyk.standalone.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf \
  -v $(pwd)/apps:/opt/tyk-gateway/apps \

Congratulations, you’re done!

Test Installation

Your Tyk Gateway is now configured and ready to use. Confirm this by making a network request to the ‘hello’ endpoint:

curl localhost:8080/hello

Output should be similar to that shown below:

{"status":"pass","version":"v3.2.1","description":"Tyk GW"}

Next Steps

Follow the Tutorials on the Community Edition tabs for the following:

  1. Add an API
  2. Create a Security Policy
  3. Create an API Key