Cloud Login Install

Database Options


Tyk Dashboard requires a persistent datastore for its operations. By default MongoDB is used. From Tyk v4.0, we also support PostgreSQL.

MongoDB Supported Versions and Drop-in Replacement

MongoDB is our default storage option. We support the following versions:

  • MongoDB 4.4.x (with mgo driver)
  • MongoDB 4.4.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x, 7.0.x (with mongo-go driver).

Note: mongo-go driver is available from Tyk 5.0.2.

MongoDB 3.x to 4.2.x

mgo driver works with MongoDB 3.x to 4.2.x too, but we no longer test MongoDB versions prior to 4.4 since they are EOL

You can also use the following as a drop-in replacement for MongoDB:

Configuring MongoDB

Please check here for MongoDB driver and production configurations.

PostgreSQL Supported Versions and Drop-in Replacement

From Tyk 4.0, you can use PostgreSQL as your datastore. We support the following versions:

You can also use the following as a drop in replacement for PostgreSQL:


In a production environment, we only support the PostgreSQL versions listed above.

For POC, you can also use the following as replacement:

  • SQLite 3.x

Configuring PostgreSQL

Please check here for production configurations.

See the following pages for configuring your SQL installation with Tyk:

Other v4.0 Database features

As well as SQL platform support, we have introduced 4 separate data storage layers. You can configure each layer separately to use one of our supported database platforms, or use a single platform for all layers. The data storage layers are as follows:

  1. main storage for APIs, Policies, Users, User Groups.
  2. analytics used for displaying all charts and analytics screens.
  3. logs log storage as used in the log browser page.
  4. uptime storing uptime tests analytics.

All data stored in SQL platforms will be identical to our existing MongoDB support.

Which platform should you use?

We recommend the following:

  • For PoC installations, you can use any of the following platforms (SQLite, PostgreSQL or MongoDB).
  • For production installations, we only support MongoDB or PostgreSQL