Cloud Login Install


It is possible to enable CORS for certain APIs so users can make browser-based requests. The CORS section is added to an API definition as follows:

"CORS": {
  "enable": true,
  "allowed_origins": [
  "allowed_methods": [],
  "allowed_headers": [],
  "exposed_headers": [],
  "allow_credentials": false,
  "max_age": 24,
  "options_passthrough": false,
  "debug": false

The CORS middleware has the following options:

  • CORS.allowed_origins: A list of origin domains to allow access from. Wildcards are also supported, e.g. http://*

  • CORS.allowed_methods: A list of methods to allow access via.

  • CORS.allowed_headers: Headers that are allowed within a request.

  • CORS.exposed_headers: Headers that are exposed back in the response.

  • CORS.allow_credentials: Whether credentials (cookies) should be allowed.

  • CORS.max_age: Maximum age of credentials.

  • CORS.options_passthrough: allow CORS OPTIONS preflight request to be proxied directly to upstream, without authentication and rest of checks. This means that pre-flight requests generated by web-clients such as SwaggerUI or the Tyk Portal documentation system will be able to test the API using trial keys. If your service handles CORS natively, then enable this option.

  • debug: If set to true, this option produces log files for the CORS middleware.

Fallback values

Always keep in mind that empty arrays will fallback to some sensible defaults. If you want to avoid this, you will have to provide explicit values.

  • Fallback values for CORS.allowed_origins: ["*"]
  • Fallback values for CORS.allowed_methods: ["GET", "POST", "HEAD"]
  • Fallback values for CORS.allowed_headers: ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With"]