Cloud Login Install

Data Graphs API

Currently /api/data-graphs/ has only one endpoint called /data-sources with only a POST HTTP method.

Import AsyncAPI or OpenAPI Documents

The Dashboard exposes the /api/data-graphs/data-sources/import Dashboard API which allows you to import an AsyncAPI or OpenAPI document.

Supported AsyncAPI versions

  • 2.0.0
  • 2.1.0
  • 2.3.0
  • 2.4.0

Supported OpenAPI versions

  • 3.0.0

Request structure

Property Description
Resource URL /api/data-graphs/data-sources/import
Method POST
Body {
"type": "<openapi | asyncapi>",
"data": "<THE-DOCUMENT>"

As shown in the table above, you should provide a JSON payload (“body”) with the following data:

  • type - document type, valid document types are asyncapi and openapi.
  • data - AsyncAPI or OpenAPI document. Note: This string of characters needs to be stringified (i.e. converting an object to its JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string representation).

Sample Request

curl 'http://tyk-dashboard.localhost:3000/api/data-graphs/data-sources/import' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <API KAY>' \
--data '{
    "type": "asyncapi",
    "data": "{\"apisync\": \"v3.0.0\", \"info\": {} ...

Response structure

The same as in other endpoints

Property Description
Status Error or OK
Message Verbal explanation
Meta API Id for success and null with error (not in use)

Sample Response

    "Status": "OK",
    "Message": "Data source imported",
    "Meta": "64102568f2c734bd2c0b8f99"

Suggestion for “stringifying” with Postman

If you use Postman, you can write a little Javascript code in the “Pre-request Script” and stringify the document.

1. The “Pre-request Script”:

Screenshot from Postman’s “Pre-request Script” tab: Screenshot from Postmans Pre-request Script tab

“Pre-request Script” code to copy

In the sample code, we put only a small part of the AsyncAPI documents, so you can quickly see and copy the code

pm.environment.set("asyncapi_document", JSON.stringify(
        "apisync": "v3.0.0",
        "info": {}

2. The Body

Screenshot from Postman’s “Body” tab" Screenshot from Postmans Body tab

The “Body” code to copy
    "type": "asyncapi",
    "data": {{asyncapi_document}}

3. Make the API call

Hit send

4. The log result as seen in Postman Console:

In the console log, you should see the output of your “stringified” document, to make sure it was stringified it as expected:

"{ \n        \"apisync\": \"v3.0.0\",\n        \"info\": {}\n     }"