Cloud Login Install

Analytics Endpoints

Below APIs returns data only if you have Pump 1.7.0

Analytics of API Key

Property Description
Resource URL /api/activity/keys/endpoint/{keyHash}/{startDay}/{startMonth}/{startYear}/{EndDay}/{EndMonth}/{EndYear}
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param None

It returns analytics of the endpoints of all APIs called using KEY between start and end date.

Sample Request

To get analytics of all endpoints called using the key 7f3c3ca87376cabe between October 13th 2020 and October 14th 2020, make the following call:

GET api/activity/keys/endpoint/7f3c3ca87376cabe/13/10/2020/14/10/2020 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
authorization: 7a7b140f-2480-4d5a-4e78-24049e3ba7f8

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "id": {
                "day": 0,
                "month": 0,
                "year": 0,
                "hour": 0,
                "code": 0,
                "path": "/anything",
                "key": "",
                "alias": "",
                "url": "",
                "iso_country": "",
                "api_id": "41351a6a94094da05f75146a695a16f6",
                "api_name": ""
            "hits": 1,
            "success": 1,
            "error": 0,
            "last_hit": "2020-10-13T13:22:49.667+05:30",
            "request_time": 0,
            "latency": 217,
            "upstream_latency": 217,
            "max_upstream_latency": 217,
            "min_upstream_latency": 217,
            "max_latency": 217,
            "min_latency": 217
            "id": {
                "day": 0,
                "month": 0,
                "year": 0,
                "hour": 0,
                "code": 0,
                "path": "/anything",
                "key": "",
                "alias": "",
                "url": "",
                "iso_country": "",
                "api_id": "1793db2cbb724ad54da582ce3191d383",
                "api_name": ""
            "hits": 1,
            "success": 1,
            "error": 0,
            "last_hit": "2020-10-13T13:22:20.534+05:30",
            "request_time": 568,
            "latency": 568,
            "upstream_latency": 568,
            "max_upstream_latency": 568,
            "min_upstream_latency": 568,
            "max_latency": 568,
            "min_latency": 568
    "pages": 1

Analytics of OAuth Client

Property Description
Resource URL /api/activity/oauthid/endpoint/{OAuthClientID}/{startDay}/{startMonth}/{startYear}/{EndDay}/{EndMonth}/{EndYear}
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param None

It returns analytics of the all endpoints called using the given OAuth Client ID.

Sample Request

To get activity of all endpoints which used OAuth client 27b35a9ed46e429eb2361e440cc4005c between October 13th 2020 and October 14th 2020, make the following call:

GET /api/activity/oauthid/endpoint/27b35a9ed46e429eb2361e440cc4005c/13/10/2020/14/10/2020 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
authorization: 7a7b140f-2480-4d5a-4e78-24049e3ba7f8

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "id": {
                "day": 0,
                "month": 0,
                "year": 0,
                "hour": 0,
                "code": 0,
                "path": "/get",
                "key": "",
                "alias": "",
                "url": "",
                "iso_country": "",
                "api_id": "79fc7cb80df940cc5089772200bd4926",
                "api_name": ""
            "hits": 2,
            "success": 1,
            "error": 1,
            "last_hit": "2020-10-13T14:48:51.582+05:30",
            "request_time": 498,
            "latency": 498,
            "upstream_latency": 497.5,
            "max_upstream_latency": 747,
            "min_upstream_latency": 248,
            "max_latency": 748,
            "min_latency": 248
            "id": {
                "day": 0,
                "month": 0,
                "year": 0,
                "hour": 0,
                "code": 0,
                "path": "/post",
                "key": "",
                "alias": "",
                "url": "",
                "iso_country": "",
                "api_id": "79fc7cb80df940cc5089772200bd4926",
                "api_name": ""
            "hits": 1,
            "success": 1,
            "error": 0,
            "last_hit": "2020-10-13T14:49:31.541+05:30",
            "request_time": 0,
            "latency": 241,
            "upstream_latency": 239,
            "max_upstream_latency": 239,
            "min_upstream_latency": 239,
            "max_latency": 241,
            "min_latency": 241
    "pages": 1