Cloud Login Install

Configuring Tyk Dashboard Audit Log

The audit log contains audit records for all requests made to all endpoints under the /api route. Audit logs are written to file in JSON or text format.

Subsequently, if hosting Tyk Dashboard within a Kubernetes cluster, please ensure that the configured log file path is valid and writeable.

The Tyk Dashboard config section contains an audit section for configuring audit logging behaviour. An example is listed below.

  "audit": {
    "enabled": true,
    "format": "json",
    "path": "/tmp/audit.log",
    "detailed_recording": false

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description Default
enabled Enable audit logging. Setting security.audit_log_path also enables audit logging true
format Specifies audit log file format. Valid values are json and text text
path Path to the audit log. Overwrites security.audit_log_path if it was set
detailed_recording Enable detailed records in the audit log. If set to true then audit log records will contain the http-request (without body) and full http-response including the body false

Please consult Tyk Dashboard Configuration Options for equivalent configuration with environment variables.

JSON File Format

Audit records the following fields for json format:

Field Description
req_id Unique request ID
org_id Organisation ID
date Date in RFC1123 format
timestamp UNIX timestamp
ip IP address the request originated from
user Dashboard user who performed the request
action Description of the action performed (e.g. Update User)
method HTTP request method
url URL of the request
status HTTP response status of the request
diff Provides a diff of changed fields (available only for PUT requests)
request_dump HTTP request copy (available if detailed_recording is set to true)
response_dump HTTP response copy (available if detailed_recording is set to true)

Text File Format

The text format outputs all fields as plain text separated with a new line and provided in the same order as json format.