Cloud Login Install

CICD - Automating Your Plugin Builds

It’s very important to automate the deployment of your infrastructure.

Ideally, you store your configurations and code in version control, and then through a trigger, have the ability to deploy everything automatically into higher environments.

With custom plugins, this is no different.

To illustrate this, we can look at the GitHub Actions of the example repo.

We see that upon every pull request, a section of steps are taken to “Build, Bundle, Release Go Plugin”.

Let’s break down the workflow file:

1. Compiling the Plugin

We can see the first few steps replicate our first task, bootstrapping the environment and compiling the plugin into a binary format.

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Copy Env Files
      run: cp tyk/confs/tyk_analytics.env.example tyk/confs/tyk_analytics.env

    - name: Build Go Plugin
      run: make go-build

We can look at the Makefile to further break down the last go-build command.

2. Bundle The Plugin

The next step of the workflow is to “bundle” the plugin.

- name: Bundle Go Plugin
      run: docker-compose run --rm --user=1000 --entrypoint "bundle/" tyk-gateway

This command generates a “bundle” from the sample Go plugin in the repo.


For added security, please consider signing your bundles, especially if the connection between the Gateways and the Bundler server traverses the internet.

Custom plugins can be “bundled”, (zipped/compressed) into a standard format, and then uploaded to some server so that they can be downloaded by the Gateways in real time.

This process allows us to decouple the building of our custom plugins from the runtime of the Gateways.

In other words, Gateways can be scaled up and down, and pointed at different plugin repos very easily. This makes it easier to deploy Custom plugins especially in containerized environments such as Kubernetes, where we don’t have to worry about persistent volumes.

You can read more about plugin bundles here.

3. Deploy The Plugin

Next step of the workflow is to publish our bundle to a server that’s reachable by the Gateways.

- name: Upload Bundle
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        path: tyk/bundle/

    - uses: jakejarvis/s3-sync-action@master
        args: --acl public-read --follow-symlinks
        AWS_S3_BUCKET: ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }}
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        AWS_REGION: 'us-east-1'   
        SOURCE_DIR: 'tyk/bundle'

This step uploads the Bundle to both GitHub and an AWS S3 bucket. Obviously, your workflow will look slightly different here.


For seamless deployments, take a look at multi-version plugin support to enable zero downtime deployments of your Tyk Gateway installs

4. Configure the Gateway

In order to instruct the Gateway to download the bundle, we need two things:

  1. The root server - The server which all bundles will be downloaded from. This is set globally in the Tyk conf file here.

  2. The name of the bundle - this is generated during your workflow usually. This is defined at the API level (this is where you declare Custom plugins, as evident in task 2)

The field of the API Definition that needs to be set is custom_middleware_bundle.


That’s it!

We’ve set up our dev environment, built, compiled, a Custom Go plugin, loaded onto a Tyk Gateway, and tested it by sending an API request. Finally, we’ve talked about deploying a Bundle in a production grade set up.

Have a look at our examples repo for more inspiration.