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Create a Tyk OAS API


These tutorials will take you through the process of creating a Tyk OAS API from scratch.


Tyk OAS API support is currently in Early Access and some Tyk features are not yet supported. You can see the status of what is and isn’t yet supported here.

Tutorial 1: Create a Tyk OAS API using the Tyk Gateway API

In this tutorial we show you how to create a minimal Tyk OAS API using the Tyk Gateway API, starting with a Tyk OAS API Definition.

Click to expand tutorial

When making calls to the Tyk Gateway API you’ll need to set the domain name and port for your environment and, in the API request header, must provide credentials in the x-tyk-authorization field for Tyk to authorise your request, as follows:

Interface Port Authorization Header Authorization credentials
Tyk Gateway API 8080 x-tyk-authorization secret value set in tyk.conf

To create the API in Tyk, you simply send your Tyk OAS API Definition to the apis/oas endpoint of your Tyk Gateway API.

Property Description
Resource URL /tyk/apis/oas
Method POST
Type None
Body Tyk OAS API Definition
Parameters None

Using this minimal API definition it is possible to create a Tyk OAS API on your Tyk Gateway using only 30 lines:

curl --location --request POST 'http://{your-tyk-host}:{port}/tyk/apis/oas' \
--header 'x-tyk-authorization: {your-secret}' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  "info": {
    "title": "Petstore",
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "openapi": "3.0.3",
  "components": {},
  "paths": {},
  "x-tyk-api-gateway": {
    "info": {
      "name": "Petstore",
      "state": {
        "active": true
    "upstream": {
      "url": ""
    "server": {
      "listenPath": {
        "value": "/petstore/",
        "strip": true

Check request response

If the command succeeds, you will see the following response, where key contains the unique identifier (id) for the API you have just created:

    "key": {NEW-API-ID},
    "status": "ok",
    "action": "added"

What you have done is to send a Tyk OAS API definition to Tyk Gateway’s /apis/oas endpoint resulting in the creation of the API in your Tyk Gateway. The Tyk OAS API definition object encapsulates all of the settings for a Tyk OAS API within your Tyk Gateway.

Restart or hot reload

Once you have created your API you will want it to be loaded into the Gateway so that it can serve traffic. To do this you simply restart the Tyk Gateway or issue a hot reload command:

curl -H "x-tyk-authorization: {your-secret}" -s http://{your-tyk-host}:{port}/tyk/reload/group

You can go to the /apps folder of your Tyk Gateway installation (by default in /var/tyk-gateway) to see where Tyk has stored your Tyk OAS API Definition.

Tutorial 2: Create a Tyk OAS API using the Tyk Dashboard API

You can also create APIs using the Tyk Dashboard API, starting with a Tyk OAS API Definition.

In this tutorial we will also show you how to test and protect your new API by enforcing an authentication requirement when making calls to the API.

Click to expand tutorial

When making calls to the Tyk Dashboard API you’ll need to set the domain name and port for your environment and, in the API request header, must provide credentials in the Authorization field for Tyk to authorise your request, as follows:

Interface Port Authorization Header Authorization credentials
Tyk Dashboard API 3000 Authorization From Dashboard User Profile

From the Tyk Dashboard, select Users from the System Management section. Click Edit for your user, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Your Dashboard API Key is the first entry:

User Edit Profile menu

We recommend that you store your Dashboard API Key, Dashboard URL & Gateway URL as environment variables so you don’t need to keep typing them in:

export DASH_KEY=db8adec7615d40db6419a2e4688678e0

# Locally installed dashboard
export DASH_URL=http://localhost:3000/api

# Tyk's Cloud Dashboard
export DASH_URL=

# Locally installed gateway
export GATEWAY_URL=http://localhost:8080

# Your Cloud Gateway

Check which APIs are already loaded

You can query the /api/apis endpoint to see what APIs are already loaded on your Tyk deployment.

Property Description
Resource URL /apis
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Parameters None
curl -H "Authorization: ${DASH_KEY}" ${DASH_URL}/apis


For a fresh install, you will see that no APIs currently exist

Create your first Tyk OAS API

To create the API in Tyk, you simply send your Tyk OAS API Definition to the apis/oas endpoint of your Tyk Gateway API.

Property Description
Resource URL /tyk/apis/oas
Method POST
Type None
Body Tyk OAS API Definition
Parameters None

Using this API definition it is possible to create a Tyk OAS API on your Tyk Gateway that forwards requests to the Swagger Petstore request/response service.

curl -H "Authorization: ${DASH_KEY}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" ${DASH_URL}/apis/oas -d "$(wget -qO-"

If the command succeeds, you will see the following response, where key contains the unique identifier (id) for the API you have just created:

    "Status": "OK",
    "Message": "API created",
    "Meta": {NEW-API-ID}

Test your new API

The Swagger Petstore provides plenty of endpoints to allow you to test different REST methods and operations. In this tutorial we will first add (POST) a new pet to the store and then retrieve (GET) the details of that pet back. Note that, as an API client, there is no difference between calling a Tyk OAS API and a Tyk Classic API.

Create a new pet in the store using this curl command:

curl --location --request POST '${GATEWAY_URL}/petstore-test/pet' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "id": 123,
  "category": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "dogs"
  "name": "doggie",
  "tags": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "family_dogs"
  "status": "available"

Retrieve the pet that has just been created using this curl command:

curl --location --request GET '${GATEWAY_URL}/petstore-test/pet/123' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

What you have done is send a request to the Tyk Gateway on the listen path /petstore-test. Using this path-based-routing, the Gateway is able to identify the API the client intended to target.

The Gateway stripped the listen path, and reverse proxied the request to

Tutorial 3: Create a Tyk OAS API using the Tyk Dashboard GUI

Tyk Dashboard has a new and improved API Designer that you’ll use when working with Tyk OAS APIs. In this tutorial we guide you through the steps to create a new Tyk OAS API using the GUI.

Click to expand tutorial

Select “APIs” from the “System Management” section

Add new API

Add new API

If you have a fresh Tyk installation with no other APIs added, click Design new API:

First API screen

If you already have APIs in your Tyk installation, click Add new API:

Add new API

Set up the Base Configuration for your API

  1. From the Overview section, add your API Name and your API Type (for this tutorial, select OAS HTTP).
  2. From the Details section, add your Target URL. This will set the upstream target that hosts the service you want to proxy to. For this tutorial you can use
  3. Click Configure API when you have finished.

API Base Configuration

Set the Gateway Status and Access

  • You need to set the Gateway status to Active
  • You need to set the Access setting to Internal (within your installation only) or External (available to external sources)

Set API Status

Click Save Changes.

Once saved, you will be redirected to the newly created API screen.


To see the URL given to your API, check the Info section displayed at the top of the page:

Set API Status

Set up the Authentication for your API

From the API page:

  1. Click Edit
  2. Scroll down to the Authentication section and enable it.
  3. Select Auth Token from the drop-down list
  4. Enter a Authentication Configuration Name
  5. Select the Authentication Token Location to be picked up from the header
  6. Note that the header default value will be Authorization
  7. Save your API

Test your API

From the Settings tab of your API, copy the API URL and request the API without providing an authorization token:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8181/petstore/' \
--header 'Authorization: wrongkey'

Note that the Gateway will respond with the following error message:

    "error": "Access to this API has been disallowed"

Add new endpoints to your Tyk OAS API using the Tyk Dashboard

  1. After creating your Tyk OAS API, select the Endpoints tab.

Add new endpoint for an OAS API

  1. Add the following details for your new endpoint:
    1. Select a method from the drop-down list
    2. Add a path for your endpoint
    3. Add an optional summary and description
    4. Click ADD ENDPOINT

New Endpoint details

  1. Your new endpoint will now be listed in the Endpoints tab

OAS API Endpoints

  1. You can now add middleware to your endpoint.


We are gradually introducing new middleware during the Early Access period of Tyk OAS API functionality. You may find not all middleware is currently supported.