Cloud Login Install

Key Hashing


Tyk stores all API Tokens and their equivalent Session Objects in a Redis DB. Because of this, Tyk will, by default, obfuscate the tokens in Redis using a key hash.

Default Key Hash Algorithm

To find a balance between performance and security, the default algorithm used by Tyk to do the hashing is murmur3, and serves more to obfuscate than to cryptographically secure the tokens.

It is possible to disable key hashing in Tyk using hash_keys set to false in your tyk.conf and tyk_analytics.conf.

See the Gateway Configuration Options for more details.

Custom Key Hash Algorithms

To set a custom algorithm, you need to set hash_key_function in your tyk.conf to one of the following options:

  • murmur32
  • murmur64
  • murmur128
  • sha256

MurMur non-cryptographic hash functions are considered as the industry fastest and conflict-prone algorithms up to date, which gives a nice balance between security and performance. With this change you now you can choose the different hash length, depending on your organisation security policies. We have also introduced a new sha256 cryptographic key hashing algorithm, for cases when you are willing to sacrifice some performance for additional security.

Performance wise, setting new key hashing algorithms can increase the key hash length, as well as key length itself, so expect that your analytics data size to grow (but not that much, up to about 10%). Additionally, if you set the sha256 algorithm, it will significantly slowdown Tyk, because cryptographic functions are slow by design but very secure.

Technically wise, it is implemented by new key generation algorithms, which now embed additional metadata to the key itself, and if you are curious about the actual implementation details, feel free to check the following pull request.

Changing hashing algorithm is entirely backward compatible. All your existing keys will continue working with the old murmur32 hashing algorithm, and your new keys will use the algorithm specified in your tyk.conf. Moreover, changing algorithms is also backward compatible, and Tyk will maintain keys with multiple hashing algorithms without any issues.

A hashed installation imposes some constraints on how Tyk is used:

  • Listing tokens requires setting enable_hashed_keys_listing to true in your tyk.conf file
  • Tokens appear in Analytics in their hashed form


Switching from a hashed installation to non-hashed means all existing tokens cannot be used (they will not be correctly validated).

Using Hashed Keys Endpoints

  • endpoints POST /keys/create, POST /keys and POST /keys/{keyName} also return the field "key_hash" for future use
  • endpoint GET /keys get all (or per API) key hashes. You can disable this endpoint by using the new tyk.conf setting enable_hashed_keys_listing (set to false by default)
  • endpoint GET /keys/{keyName} was modified to be able to get a key by hash. You just need provide the key hash as a keyName and call it with the new optional query parameter hashed=true. So the new format is GET /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true"
  • we also have the same optional parameter for endpoint DELETE /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true and call it with the optional query parameter hashed=true. So the format is GET /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true"
  • The same optional parameter is available for the DELETE /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true endpoint

See the Keys section of Tyk Gateway API Swagger page for more details.