Cloud Login Install

JQ Transforms



This feature is experimental and can be used only if you compile Tyk yourself own using jq tag: go build --tags 'jq'

If you work with JSON you are probably aware of the popular jq command line JSON processor. For more details, see

Now you can use the full power of its queries and transformations to transform requests, responses, headers and even context variables.

We have added two new plugins:

  • transform_jq - for request transforms.
  • transform_jq_response - for response transforms

Both have the same structure, similar to the rest of our plugins: { "path": "<path>", "method": "<method>", "filter": "<content>" }

Request Transforms

Inside a request transform you can use following variables:

  • .body - your current request body
  • ._tyk_context - Tyk context variables. You can use it to access request headers as well.

Your JQ request transform should return an object in the following format: { "body": <transformed-body>, "rewrite_headers": <set-or-add-headers>, "tyk_context": <set-or-add-context-vars> }.

body is required, while rewrite_headers and tyk_context are optional.

Response Transforms

Inside a response transform you can use following variables:

  • .body - your current response body
  • ._tyk_context - Tyk context variables. You can use it to access request headers as well.
  • ._tyk_response_headers - Access to response headers

Your JQ response transform should return an object in the following format: { "body": <transformed-body>, "rewrite_headers": <set-or-add-headers>}.

body is required, while rewrite_headers is optional.


"extended_paths": {
  "transform_jq": [{
    "path": "/post",
    "method": "POST",
    "filter": "{\"body\": (.body + {\"TRANSFORMED-REQUEST-BY-JQ\": true, path: ._tyk_context.path, user_agent: ._tyk_context.headers_User_Agent}), \"rewrite_headers\": {\"X-added-rewrite-headers\": \"test\"}, \"tyk_context\": {\"m2m_origin\": \"CSE3219/C9886\", \"deviceid\": .body.DEVICEID}}"
  "transform_jq_response": [{
    "path": "/post",
    "method": "POST",
    "filter": "{\"body\": (.body + {\"TRANSFORMED-RESPONSE-BY-JQ\": true, \"HEADERS-OF-RESPONSE\": ._tyk_response_headers}), \"rewrite_headers\": {\"JQ-Response-header\": .body.origin}}"