Cloud Login Install


Integration Tutorials: LDAP

The LDAP Identity Provider gives you functionality to bind a user to an LDAP server based on a username and password configuration. The LDAP provider currently does not extract user data from the server to populate a user object, but will provide enough defaults to work with all handlers.

Log into the Dashboard using LDAP

Below is a sample TIB profile that can be used to log a user into the Dashboard using an LDAP pass-through provider:

  "ActionType": "GenerateOrLoginUserProfile",
  "ID": "4",
  "OrgID": "{YOUR-ORG-ID}",
  "IdentityHandlerConfig": {
		"DashboardCredential": "ADVANCED-API-USER-API-TOKEN"
  "ProviderConfig": {
    "FailureRedirect": "http://{DASH-DOMAIN}:{DASH-PORT}/?fail=true",
    "LDAPAttributes": [],
    "LDAPPort": "389",
    "LDAPServer": "localhost",
    "LDAPUserDN": "cn=*USERNAME*,cn=dashboard,ou=Group,dc=test-ldap,dc=tyk,dc=io"
  "ProviderName": "ADProvider",
  "ReturnURL": "http://{DASH-DOMAIN}:{DASH-PORT}/tap",
  "Type": "passthrough" 

The only step necessary to perform this is to send a POST request to the LDAP URL.

TIB can pull a username and password out of a request in two ways:

  1. Two form fields called “username” and “password”
  2. A basic auth header using the Basic Authentication standard form

By default, TIB will look for the two form fields. To enable Basic Auth header extraction, add "GetAuthFromBAHeader": true to the ProviderConfig section.

The request should be a POST.

If you make this request with a valid user that can bind to the LDAP server, Tyk will redirect the user to the dashboard with a valid session. There’s no more to it, this mechanism is pass-through and is transparent to the user, with TIB acting as a direct client to the LDAP provider.


The LDAPUserDN field MUST contain the special *USERNAME* marker in order to construct the users DN properly.

Generate an OAuth token using LDAP

The configuration below will take a request that is posted to TIB, authenticate it against LDAP, if the request is valid, it will redirect to the Tyk Gateway OAuth clients’ Redirect URI with the token as a URL fragment:

  "ActionType": "GenerateOAuthTokenForClient",
  "ID": "6",
  "IdentityHandlerConfig": {
    "DashboardCredential": "{DASHBAORD-API-ID}",
    "DisableOneTokenPerAPI": false,
    "OAuth": {
      "APIListenPath": "{API-LISTEN-PATH}",
      "BaseAPIID": "{BASE-API-ID}",
      "ClientId": "{TYK-OAUTH-CLIENT-ID}",
      "RedirectURI": "http://{APP-DOMAIN}:{PORT}/{AUTH-SUCCESS-PATH}",
      "ResponseType": "token",
      "Secret": "{TYK-OAUTH-CLIENT-SECRET}"
  "MatchedPolicyID": "POLICY-ID",
  "OrgID": "53ac07777cbb8c2d53000002",
  "ProviderConfig": {
    "FailureRedirect": "http://{APP-DOMAIN}:{PORT}/failure",
    "LDAPAttributes": [],
    "LDAPPort": "389",
    "LDAPServer": "localhost",
    "LDAPUserDN": "cn=*USERNAME*,cn=dashboard,ou=Group,dc=ldap,dc=tyk-ldap-test,dc=com"
  "ProviderName": "ADProvider",
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "Type": "passthrough"

This configuration is useful for internal APIs that require valid OAuth tokens (e.g.a webapp or mobile app) but needs validation by an LDAP provider.

Log into the Developer Portal using LDAP

LDAP requires little configuration, we can use the same provider configuration that we used to log into the Dashboard to target the Portal instead - notice the change in the handler configuration and the return URL:

  "ActionType": "GenerateOrLoginDeveloperProfile",
  "ID": "5",
  "IdentityHandlerConfig": {
    "DashboardCredential": "822f2b1c75dc4a4a522944caa757976a"
  "OrgID": "53ac07777cbb8c2d53000002",
  "ProviderConfig": {
    "FailureRedirect": "http://{PORTAL-DOMAIN}:{PORTAL-PORT}/portal/login/",
    "LDAPAttributes": [],
    "LDAPPort": "389",
    "LDAPServer": "localhost",
    "LDAPUserDN": "cn=*USERNAME*,cn=dashboard,ou=Group,dc=test-ldap,dc=tyk,dc=io"
  "ProviderConstraints": {
    "Domain": "",
    "Group": ""
  "ProviderName": "ADProvider",
  "ReturnURL": "http://{PORTAL-DOMAIN}:{PORTAL-PORT}/portal/sso/",
  "Type": "passthrough"

Once again, a simple POST request is all that is needed to validate a user via an LDAP provider.

In some cases validation of a user CN is not enough, and it requires verifying if a user match some specific rules, like internal team ID. In this case TIB provides support for doing additional LDAP search check, and if result of this search returns only 1 record, it will pass the user.

To make it work you need to specify 3 additional attributes in profile configuration file:

  • LDAPBaseDN - base DN used for doing LDAP search, for example cn=dashboard,ou=Group
  • LDAPFilter - filter applied to the search, should include the *USERNAME*variable. For example: ((objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(cn=*USERNAME*))
  • LDAPSearchScope - This specifies the portion of the target subtree that should be considered. Supported search scope values include: 0 - baseObject (often referred to as “base”), 1 - singleLevel (often referred to as “one”), 2 - wholeSubtree (often referred to as “sub”)

For additional information about LDAP search protocol

Example profile using LDAP search filters:

	"ActionType": "GenerateOAuthTokenForClient",
	"ID": "2",
	"IdentityHandlerConfig": {
		"DashboardCredential": "ADVANCED-API-USER-API-TOKEN",
		"DisableOneTokenPerAPI": false,
		"OAuth": {
			"APIListenPath": "oauth-1",
			"ClientId": "TYK-OAUTH-CLIENT-ID",
			"RedirectURI": "",
			"ResponseType": "token",
	"MatchedPolicyID": "POLICY-TO-ATTACH-TO-KEY",
	"OrgID": "53ac07777cbb8c2d53000002",
	"ProviderConfig": {
		"FailureRedirect": "",
		"LDAPAttributes": [],
		"LDAPBaseDN": "cn=dashboard,ou=Group,dc=ldap,dc=tyk-test,dc=com",
		"LDAPEmailAttribute": "mail",
		"LDAPSearchScope": 2,
		"LDAPFilter": "(&(objectcategory=user)(sAMAccountName=*USERNAME*)(memberOf=CN=RL - PAT - T1-00002,OU=Role,OU=Security Roles,DC=company,DC=net))",
		"LDAPPort": "389",
		"LDAPServer": "",
	"ProviderName": "ADProvider",
	"ReturnURL": "",
	"Type": "passthrough"