Cloud Login Install

Example Batch Processing Aggregate Function

Batch using the /tyk/batch endpoint


Virtual endpoints are not available in the Tyk Cloud Classic Edition.

An Aggregate JS Function

The most common use case for this functionality, as we see it, is to provide some form of aggregate data to your users, here’s a snippet that will do just that using the new batch processing API:

function batchTest(request, session, config) {
  // Set up a response object
  var response = {
    Body: "",
    Headers: {
      "test": "virtual-header-1",
      "test-2": "virtual-header-2",
      "content-type": "application/json"
    Code: 200
  // Batch request
  var batch = {
    "requests": [
        "method": "GET",
        "headers": {
          "x-tyk-test": "1",
          "x-tyk-version": "1.2",
          "authorization": "1dbc83b9c431649d7698faa9797e2900f"
        "body": "",
        "relative_url": ""
        "method": "GET",
        "headers": {},
        "body": "",
        "relative_url": ""
    "suppress_parallel_execution": false
  log("[Virtual Test] Making Upstream Batch Request")
  var newBody = TykBatchRequest(JSON.stringify(batch))
  // We know that the requests return JSON in their body, lets flatten it
  var asJS = JSON.parse(newBody)
  for (var i in asJS) {
    asJS[i].body = JSON.parse(asJS[i].body)
  // We need to send a string object back to Tyk to embed in the response
  response.Body = JSON.stringify(asJS)
  return TykJsResponse(response, session.meta_data)
log("Batch Test initialised")

The batch object here is the same object that is fed into our batch request method TykBatchRequest that is exposed as part of certain API definitions.