Cloud Login Install

Virtual Endpoint Demonstration

Set up the Virtual Endpoint

Virtual Endpoints are defined per API on an endpoint level. To set up a Virtual Endpoint:

  1. From the Endpoint Designer, Add a new Endpoint.
  2. From the Plugins drop-down list, select Virtual Endpoint.
  3. From the Virtual Endpoint settings, add a unique name in the JS function to call option. You should also use the same name inside the function code. For this demo, we will use myVirtualHandlerGetHeaders.

Every line in the script gives an example of a functionality usage:

  • How to get form param
  • How to get specific key inside json variable
  • The structure of request object with Body, Headers, (need to add session object examples)Using TykMakeHttpRequest, and the json it returns - .Code and .Body.

Paste the following code in the Code editor.

function myVirtualHandlerGetHeaders (request, session, config) {
  rawlog("Virtual Test running")
  //Usage examples:
  log("Request Session: " + JSON.stringify(session))
  log("API Config:" + JSON.stringify(config))
  log("Request object: " + JSON.stringify(request))   
  log("Request Body: " + JSON.stringify(request.Body))
  log("Request Headers:" + JSON.stringify(request.Headers))
  log("param-1:" + request.Params["param1"])
  log("Request header type:" + typeof JSON.stringify(request.Headers))
  log("Request header:" + JSON.stringify(request.Headers.Location))

  //Make api call to upstream target
  newRequest = {
    "Method": "GET",
    "Body": "",
    "Headers": {"location":JSON.stringify(request.Headers.Location)},
    "Domain": "",
    "Resource": "/headers",
    "FormData": {}
  rawlog("--- before get to upstream ---")
  response = TykMakeHttpRequest(JSON.stringify(newRequest));
  rawlog("--- After get to upstream ---")
  log("response type: " + typeof response);
  log("response: " + response);
  usableResponse = JSON.parse(response);
  var bodyObject = JSON.parse(usableResponse.Body);
  var responseObject = {
    Body: "yo yo",
    Headers: {
      "test": "virtual",
      "test-2": "virtual",
      "location" : bodyObject.headers.Location
    Code: usableResponse.Code
  rawlog("Virtual Test ended")
  return TykJsResponse(responseObject, session.meta_data)   


Another option, instead of the steps above, you can use this Gist to import the API definition - API Definition Import

The virtual function is base64 encoded in the function_source_uri field.

Demonstrating the Virtual Endpoint

Run the following command: curl http://tyk-gateway:8080/testvirtualendpoint2/headers -H "location: /get" -v

This should return the following:

Connected to tyk-gateway ( port 8080 (#0)
GET /testvirtualendpoint2/headers HTTP/1.1
Host: tyk-gateway:8080
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*
location: /get

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 21:53:57 GMT
**Location: /get**
Server: tyk
Test: virtual
Test-2: virtual
X-Ratelimit-Limit: 0
X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 0
X-Ratelimit-Reset: 0
Content-Length: 5
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Connection #0 to host tyk-gateway left intact
yo yo

Checking the Tyk Gateway Logs

[Jun 13 14:45:21] DEBUG jsvm: Running: myVirtualHandlerGetHeaders
Virtual Test running
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request Session: {"access_rights":null,"alias":"","allowance":0,"apply_policies":null,"apply_policy_id":"","basic_auth_data":{"hash_type":"","password":""},"certificate":"","data_expires":0,"enable_detail_recording":false,"expires":0,"hmac_enabled":false,"hmac_string":"","id_extractor_deadline":0,"is_inactive":false,"jwt_data":{"secret":""},"last_check":0,"last_updated":"","meta_data":null,"monitor":{"trigger_limits":null},"oauth_client_id":"","oauth_keys":null,"org_id":"","per":0,"quota_max":0,"quota_remaining":0,"quota_renewal_rate":0,"quota_renews":0,"rate":0,"session_lifetime":0,"tags":null} type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: API Config:{"APIID":"57d72796c5de45e649f22da390d7df43","OrgID":"5afad3a0de0dc60001ffdd07","config_data":{"bar":{"y":3},"foo":4}} type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request object: {"Body":"","Headers":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Location":["/get"],"User-Agent":["curl/7.54.0"]},"Params":{"param1":["I-am-param-1"]},"URL":"/testvirtualendpoint2/headers"} type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request Body: "" type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request Headers:{"Accept":["*/*"],"Location":["/get"],"User-Agent":["curl/7.54.0"]} type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: param-1:I-am-param-1 type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request header type:[object Object] type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request header: ["/get"] type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request location type: object type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request location type: string type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:21]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: Request location: /get type=log-msg
--- before get to upstream ---
--- After get to upstream ---
[Jun 13 14:45:22]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: response type: string type=log-msg
[Jun 13 14:45:22]  INFO jsvm-logmsg: response: {"Code":200,"Body":"{\"headers\":{\"Accept-Encoding\":\"gzip\",\"Connection\":\"close\",\"Host\":\"\",\"Location\":\"/get\",\"User-Agent\":\"Go-http-client/1.1\"}}\n","Headers":{"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials":["true"],"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Content-Length":["133"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:45:21 GMT"],"Server":["gunicorn/19.8.1"],"Via":["1.1 vegur"]},"code":200,"body":"{\"headers\":{\"Accept-Encoding\":\"gzip\",\"Connection\":\"close\",\"Host\":\"\",\"Location\":\"/get\",\"User-Agent\":\"Go-http-client/1.1\"}}\n","headers":{"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials":["true"],"Access-Control-Allow-Origin":["*"],"Content-Length":["133"],"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Date":["Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:45:21 GMT"],"Server":["gunicorn/19.8.1"],"Via":["1.1 vegur"]}} type=log-msg
Virtual Test ended
[Jun 13 14:45:22] DEBUG JSVM Virtual Endpoint execution took: (ns) 191031553