Getting Started With Tyk
Includes Tyk API Gateway, Tyk Dashboard, Tyk Portal, Tyk UDG
Includes Tyk API Gateway, Tyk Dashboard, Tyk Portal, Tyk UDG
Install Tyk OSS Gateway only
The Tyk Stack
Tyk Gateway
The primary application for Community Edition users and Pro users alike, the Tyk Open Source API Gateway does all the heavy lifting of actually managing your requests.
Tyk Dashboard
The Tyk Dashboard is the visual GUI and analytics platform for Tyk. It provides an easy-to-use management interface for managing a Tyk installation as well as clear and granular analytics.
Tyk Pump
The Tyk Pump is our open source analytics purger that moves the data generated by your Tyk nodes to any back-end. It is primarily used to display your analytics data in the Tyk Dashboard.
Tyk Developer Portal
The Tyk Developer Portal is a small CMS-like system that enables you to expose a facade of your APIs and then allow third-party developers to register and use your APIs.
The Multi Data Centre Bridge allows for centralised management of multiple independent Tyk clusters and the seamless transition of APIs between environments, availability zones and segmented nodes.
Tyk Identity Broker
The Tyk Identity Broker (TIB) is a microservice portal that provides a bridge between various Identity Management Systems and your Tyk installation.
Feature Setups
TLS connections are supported for all Tyk components
Learn how to segment and view your API traffic and activity
Tyk supports GraphQL natively. Proxy to existing service or build it from scratch.
Single Sign On
Log into your Tyk Dashboard and Portal with your existing IDP.