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Concepts - Reusing response fields

When using the UDG there may be the situation where you want to access an API with data coming from another API. So for example consider following REST APIs:

  • REST API for people: https://people-api.dev/people
  • REST API for a specific person: https://people-api.dev/people/{person_id}
  • REST API for driver licenses: https://driver-license-api.dev/driver-licenses/{driver_license_id}

The REST API for a person will give us following response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 40,
    "driverLicenseID": "DL1234"

And the REST API response for driver licenses looks like this:

    "id": "DL1234",
    "issuedBy": "United Kingdom",
    "validUntil": "2040-01-01"

As we can see by looking at the example responses, we could use the driverLicenseID from the People API to obtain the driver license data from the Driver License API.

We also want to design the schema the way that it represents the relationship between a person and a driver license. As the person object is referencing a driver license by its ID it means that we will need to define the driver license inside the person object as a field. So a schema representing that relationship can look like this:

type Query {
    people: [Person]  # Data source for people
    person(id: Int!): Person  # Data Source for a specific person

type Person {
    id: Int!
    name: String!
    age: Int!
    driverLicenseID: ID
    driverLicense: DriverLicense  # Data Source for a driver license

type DriverLicense {
    id: ID!
    issuedBy: String!
    validUntil: Date! 

Defining the data source URLs

Now it’s all about defining the data source URLs.

For the field Query.people we can simply use the URL to the API:


The Query.person field needs to use it’s id argument to call the correct API endpoint.

See Concept: Arguments to learn more about it.


To retrieve the driver license data we need to be able to use the driverLicenseID from the Person object. As we defined the driver license data source on the Person object we can now access all properties from the Person object by using the .object placeholder.

If you want to access data from the object on which the data source is defined on, use the .object placeholder (e.g: .object.id to access the id property from an object).

So the URL for the driver license data source has to look like this:


Use the object placeholder


A query like:

    people {
        driverLicense {

… will now result in something like this:

    "data": {
        "people": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "John Doe",
                "age": 40,
                "driverLicense": {
                    "id": "DL1234",
                    "issuedBy": "United Kingdom",
                    "validUntil": "2040-01-01"
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Jane Doe",
                "age": 30,
                "driverLicense": {
                    "id": "DL5555",
                    "issuedBy": "United Kingdom",
                    "validUntil": "2035-01-01"