Tyk Sync 1.4 Release Notes

Last updated: 1 minute read.

Open Source (Mozilla Public License)

This page contains all release notes for version 1.4 displayed in reverse chronological order

Support Lifetime

Our minor releases are supported until our next minor comes out.

1.4.2 Release Notes

Release date 07 Dec 2023

Breaking Changes

This release has no breaking changes.


There are no deprecations in this release.

Upgrade instructions

If you are using a 1.4.x version, we advise you to upgrade ASAP to this latest release. If you are on an older version, you should skip 1.4.0 and upgrade directly to this release.

Release Highlights

This release enhances compatibility as detailed in the changelog below.



  • API definitions supported up to Tyk Gateway v5.2.3

    Tyk Sync supports Tyk API definitions up to Tyk Gateway v5.2.3. Please use this version with Tyk Gateway v5.2.0+.

Further Information

Upgrading Tyk

Please refer to the upgrading Tyk page for further guidance with respect to the upgrade strategy.


Please visit our Developer Support page for further information relating to reporting bugs, upgrading Tyk, technical support and how to contribute.

Earlier Versions Release Notes

Release Notes for Tyk Sync v1.4.1 and earlier can we found in Tyk Sync GitHub