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Launch Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with SQLite

Installing the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with SQLite

This guide offers a concise, step-by-step recipe for launching the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal in a container using SQLite. In this recipe, the database file is stored on a volume, and all settings for the Portal are configured using an env-file.


SQLite is useful for quick deployment and testing, however we don’t recommend using it in production.


To successfully install the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with SQLite using Docker or Docker Compose, you should have installed the following software:

Prepare config file and data volumes

Create volumes for the portal’s database, themes and assets

If you intend to deploy the portal with the fs type of storage, it will be necessary to create three distinct volumes. These volumes are required for sqlite, portal themes, and assets respectively.

mkdir -p /tmp/portal/db       # create volume for the portal database
mkdir -p /tmp/portal/themes   # create volume for the portal themes
mkdir -p /tmp/portal/system   # create volume for the portal assets (images and OpenAPI Specification files)
chmod -R o+x,o+w /tmp/portal  # grant permission

Alternatively, if you intend to use the s3 type of storage, you will only need to create a single volume for sqlite:

mkdir -p /tmp/portal/db       # create volume for the portal database
chmod -R o+x,o+w /tmp/portal  # grant permission

Create an environment file

Creating an environment file to specify settings for the portal is the next step. This is optional, as you can alternatively specify all the variables using the -e option when starting your deployment.

Here is an example of a sample environment file. For a comprehensive reference of environment variables, please refer to [the Configuration section(//tyk.io/docs/5.0/tyk-stack/tyk-developer-portal/enterprise-developer-portal/install-tyk-enterprise-portal/configuration/)] in the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal documentation.


Once you have completed this step, you are ready to launch the portal application with SQLite either by using a Docker container or via Docker Compose.

Launch the portal with SQLite using Docker container

This section outlines the process of launching the portal application with SQLite using a Docker container. By following this guide, you will learn how to effectively configure, launch, stop and clean up the portal installation using Docker.

Pull and launch the portal container

To pull and launch the portal using Docker, use the command provided below. Before executing the command, ensure that you replace <tag> with the specific version of the portal you intend to launch. The latest version of the portal is tykio/portal:v1.3, and you can browse all available versions on Docker Hub.

docker run -d \
    -p 3001:3001 \
    --env-file .env \
    --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/db,dst=/opt/portal/db \
    --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/themes,dst=/opt/portal/themes \
    --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/portal/system,dst=/opt/portal/public/system \
    --name tyk-portal \

The above command will launch the portal on port 3001.

In case this is the first time you are launching the portal, it will be necessary to bootstrap it before you can use it. For detailed instructions, please refer to the bootstrapping documentation.

Clean up

If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and remove the portal container:

docker stop tyk-portal    # stop the portal container
docker rm tyk-portal      # remove the portal container

Since the portal data is persisted in the mounted volumes (/tmp/portal/db, /tmp/portal/themes, and /tmp/portal/system in the above example), to completely erase the deployment, you will also need to delete them:

# remove the database volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/db
# remove the themes volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/themes
# remove the assets volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/system

Launch the portal with SQLite using docker-compose

This section outlines the process of launching the portal application with SQLite using docker-compose. By following this guide, you will learn how to effectively configure, launch, and stop and clean up the portal application using docker-compose.

Create docker-compose file

Before launching the portal using docker-compose, you will need to create a docker-compose.yaml file. An example of the portal’s docker-compose file is provided below, which you can use as a starting point and further customize to meet your specific requirements.

version: '3.6'
    image: tykio/portal:<tag>
      - /tmp/portal/themes:/opt/portal/themes
      - /tmp/portal/db:/opt/portal/db
      - /tmp/portal/system:/opt/portal/public/system
      - 3001:3001

Pull and launch the portal container using docker-compose

To launch the portal using docker-compose, execute the command provided below.

docker-compose --env-file .env up -d

Clean up

If you want to clean up your environment or start the installation process from scratch, execute the following commands to stop and stop and remove the portal container:

docker-compose down       # to just shutdown the stack

Since the portal data is persisted in the mounted volumes (/tmp/portal/db, /tmp/portal/themes, and /tmp/portal/system in the above example), to completely erase the deployment, you will also need to delete them:

# remove the database volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/db
# remove the themes volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/themes
# remove the assets volume
rm -rf /tmp/portal/system