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Deploy Tyk Self Managed using new Helm Chart

New Tyk Helm Charts (Beta)

Tyk is working to provide a new set of helm charts, and will progressively roll them out at tyk-charts. It will provide component charts for all Tyk Components, as well as umbrella charts as reference configurations for open source and self-managed users.


The new Helm Charts are in beta stage. Breaking changes may be introduced before stable release.

To deploy Tyk Self Managed (for single data center) using the new helm chart, please use tyk-single-dc chart.

Tyk Self Managed (Single Data Center)

tyk-single-dc provides the default deployment of Tyk Self Managed on single data center. It will deploy all required Tyk components with the settings provided in the values.yaml file.

It includes:

  • Tyk Gateway, an open source Enterprise API Gateway (supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols)
  • Tyk Pump, an analytics purger that moves the data generated by your Tyk nodes to any back-end. Furthermore, it has all the required modifications to easily connect to Tyk Cloud or Multi Data Center (MDCB) control plane.
  • Tyk Dashboard, a license based component that provides GUI management interface and analytics platform for Tyk


By default, this chart installs the following components as sub-charts on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

Component Enabled by Default Flag
Tyk Gateway true n/a
Tyk Pump true global.components.pump
Tyk Dashboard true global.components.dashboard

To enable or disable each component, change the corresponding enabled flag.

Also, you can set the version of each component through image.tag. You could find the list of version tags available from Docker hub.


Installing The Chart

To install the chart from Helm repository in namespace tyk with the release name tyk-single-dc:

helm repo add tyk-helm https://helm.tyk.io/public/helm/charts/
helm repo update
helm show values tyk-helm/tyk-single-dc > values-single-dc.yaml --devel

*If you use the Bitnami chart for Redis installation, the DNS name of your Redis as set by Bitnami is tyk-redis-master.tyk.svc.cluster.local:6379.

You can update them in your local values-single-dc.yaml file under global.redis.addr and global.redis.pass.

Alternatively, you can use --set flag to set it in Tyk installation. For example --set global.redis.pass=$REDIS_PASSWORD

*All the values above are just examples, please input the values specific for your deployment.

Then just run:

helm install tyk-single-dc tyk-helm/tyk-single-dc -n tyk --create-namespace -f values-single-dc.yaml --devel

Uninstalling The Chart

helm uninstall tyk-single-dc -n tyk

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade tyk-single-dc tyk-helm/tyk-single-dc -n tyk --devel

Note: Upgrading from tyk-pro chart

If you were using tyk-pro chart for existing release, you cannot upgrade directly. Please modify the values.yaml base on your requirements and install using the new tyk-single-dc chart.


To get all configurable options with detailed comments:

helm show values tyk-helm/tyk-single-dc > values-single-dc.yaml --devel

You can update any value in your local values.yaml file and use -f [filename] flag to override default values during installation. Alternatively, you can use --set flag to set it in Tyk installation. See Using Helm for examples.

Set Redis Connection Details (Required)

Tyk uses Redis for distributed rate-limiting and token storage. You may set global.redis.addr and global.redis.pass with redis connection string and password respectively.

If you do not already have Redis installed, you may use these charts provided by Bitnami

helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install tyk-redis bitnami/redis -n tyk --create-namespace --set image.tag=6.2.13

Follow the notes from the installation output to get connection details and password. The DNS name of your Redis as set by Bitnami is tyk-redis-master.tyk.svc.cluster.local:6379 (Tyk needs the name including the port)

Set Mongo or PostgresSQL Connection Details (Required)

If you have already installed Mongo/PostgresSQL, you can set the connection details in global.mongo and global.postgres section of values file respectively.

If not, you can use these rather excellent charts provided by Bitnami to install mongo/postgres:

Mongo Installation

helm install tyk-mongo bitnami/mongodb --version {HELM_CHART_VERSION} --set "replicaSet.enabled=true" -n tyk

PostgresSQL Installation

helm install tyk-postgres bitnami/postgresql --set "auth.database=tyk_analytics" -n tyk

Follow the notes from the installation output to get connection details.

NOTE: Please make sure you are installing Mongo/Postgres versions that are supported by Tyk. Please refer to Tyk docs to get list of supported versions.

Gateway Configurations

Configure below inside tyk-gateway section.

Enabling TLS

We have provided an easy way of enabling TLS via the global.tls.gateway flag. Setting this value to true will automatically enable TLS using the certificate provided under tyk-gateway/certs/cert.pem.

If you want to use your own key/cert pair, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Create a TLS secret using your cert and key pair.
  2. Set global.tls.gateway to true.
  3. Set gateway.tls.useDefaultTykCertificate to false.
  4. Set gateway.tls.secretName to the name of the newly created secret.

Pump Configurations

To enable Pump, set global.components.pump to true, and configure below inside tyk-pump section.

Pump Configuration
Prometheus Pump (Default) Add prometheus to pump.backend, and add connection details for prometheus under pump.prometheusPump.
Mongo Pump Add mongo to pump.backend, and add connection details for mongo under .mongo.
SQL Pump Add postgres to pump.backend, and add connection details for postgres under .postgres.
Uptime Pump Set pump.uptimePumpBackend to 'mongo' or 'postgres' or ''
Other Pumps Add the required environment variables in pump.extraEnvs

Prometheus Pump

Add prometheus to pump.backend, and add connection details for prometheus under pump.prometheusPump.

We also support monitoring using Prometheus Operator. All you have to do is set pump.prometheusPump.prometheusOperator.enabled to true. This will create a PodMonitor resource for your Pump instance.

    # prometheusPump configures Tyk Pump to expose Prometheus metrics.
    # Please add "prometheus" to .Values.pump.backend in order to enable Prometheus Pump.
      # host represents the host without port, where Tyk Pump serve the metrics for Prometheus.
      host: ""
      # port represents the port where Tyk Pump serve the metrics for Prometheus.
      port: 9090
      # path represents the path to the Prometheus collection. For example /metrics.
      path: /metrics
      # customMetrics allows defining custom Prometheus metrics for Tyk Pump.
      # It accepts a string that represents a JSON object. For instance,
      # customMetrics: '[{"name":"tyk_http_requests_total","description":"Total of API requests","metric_type":"counter","labels":["response_code","api_name","method","api_key","alias","path"]},          {              "name":"tyk_http_latency",              "description":"Latency of API requests",              "metric_type":"histogram",              "labels":["type","response_code","api_name","method","api_key","alias","path"]          }]'
      customMetrics: ""
      # If you are using prometheus Operator, set the fields in the section below.
        # enabled determines whether the Prometheus Operator is in use or not. By default,
        # it is disabled.
        # Tyk Pump can be monitored with PodMonitor Custom Resource of Prometheus Operator.
        # If enabled, PodMonitor resource is created based on .Values.pump.prometheusPump.prometheusOperator.podMonitorSelector
        # for Tyk Pump.
        enabled: false
        # podMonitorSelector represents a podMonitorSelector of your Prometheus resource. So that
        # your Prometheus resource can select PodMonitor objects based on selector defined here.
        # Please set this field to the podMonitorSelector field of your monitoring.coreos.com/v1
        # Prometheus resource's spec.
        # You can check the podMonitorSelector via:
        #   kubectl describe prometheuses.monitoring.coreos.com <PROMETHEUS_POD>
          release: prometheus-stack

Mongo pump

If you are using the MongoDB pumps in the tyk-oss installation you will require MongoDB installed for that as well.

To install Mongo you can use these rather excellent charts provided by Bitnami:

helm install tyk-mongo bitnami/mongodb --version {HELM_CHART_VERSION} --set "replicaSet.enabled=true" -n tyk

(follow notes from the installation output to get connection details and update them in values.yaml file)

NOTE: Here is list of supported MongoDB versions. Please make sure you are installing mongo helm chart that matches these versions.

Important Note regarding MongoDB: This helm chart enables the PodDisruptionBudget for MongoDB with an arbiter replica-count of 1. If you intend to perform system maintenance on the node where the MongoDB pod is running and this maintenance requires for the node to be drained, this action will be prevented due the replica count being 1. Increase the replica count in the helm chart deployment to a minimum of 2 to remedy this issue.

 # Set mongo connection details if you want to configure mongo pump.     
    # The mongoURL value will allow you to set your MongoDB address.
    # Default value: mongodb://mongo.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local:27017/tyk_analytics
    # mongoURL: mongodb://mongo.tyk.svc.cluster.local:27017/tyk_analytics
    # If your MongoDB has a password you can add the username and password to the url
    # mongoURL: mongodb://root:[email protected]:27017/tyk_analytics?authSource=admin
    mongoURL: <MongoDB address>

    # Enables SSL for MongoDB connection. MongoDB instance will have to support that.
    # Default value: false
    # useSSL: false

SQL pump

If you are using the SQL pumps in the tyk-oss installation you will require PostgreSQL installed for that as well.

To install PostgreSQL you can use these rather excellent charts provided by Bitnami:

helm install tyk-postgres bitnami/postgresql --set "auth.database=tyk_analytics" -n tyk

(follow notes from the installation output to get connection details and update them in values.yaml file)

# Set postgres connection details if you want to configure postgres pump.
# Postgres connection string parameters.
    host: tyk-postgres-postgresql.tyk.svc.cluster.local
    port: 5432
    user: postgres
    database: tyk_analytics
    sslmode: disable

Uptime Pump

Uptime Pump can be configured by setting pump.uptimePumpBackend in values.yaml file. It support following values

  1. mongo: Used to set mongo pump for uptime analytics. Mongo Pump should be enabled.
  2. postgres: Used to set postgres pump for uptime analytics. Postgres Pump should be enabled.
  3. empty: Used to disable uptime analytics.
    # uptimePumpBackend configures uptime Tyk Pump. ["", "mongo", "postgres"].
    # Set it to "" for disabling uptime Tyk Pump. By default, uptime pump is disabled.
    uptimePumpBackend: ""

Other Pumps

To setup other backends for pump, refer to this document and add the required environment variables in pump.extraEnvs


The Tyk Dashboard can be configured by modifying the values under “tyk-dashboard” section of the values.yaml file The chart is provided with sane defaults such that the only hard requirement is the license which needs to be put under .Values.global.license.dashboard in order for the bootstrapping process to work.

      enableOwnership: true
      defaultPageSize: 10
      notifyOnChange: true
      hashKeys: true
      enableDuplicateSlugs: true
      showOrgId: true
        enableHostNames: true
        disableOrgSlugPrefix: true
        overrideHostname: "dashboard-svc-tyk-pro.tyk.svc.cluster.local"
      homeDir: "/opt/tyk-dashboard"
      useShardedAnalytics: false
      enableAggregateLookups: true
      enableAnalyticsCache: true
      allowExplicitPolicyId: true
      oauthRedirectUriSeparator: ";"
      keyRequestFields: "appName;appType"
      dashboardSessionLifetime: 43200
      ssoEnableUserLookup: true
      notificationsListenPort: 5000
      enableDeleteKeyByHash: true
      enableUpdateKeyByHash: true
      enableHashedKeysListing: true
      enableMultiOrgUsers: true
      enableIstioIngress: false
      replicaCount: 1
        repository: tykio/tyk-dashboard
        tag: v5.0.0
        pullPolicy: Always
        type: NodePort
        externalTrafficPolicy: Local
        annotations: {}
      resources: {}
        # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this
        # as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts
        # run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do
        # want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them
        # as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
        # limits:
      #  cpu: 100m
      #  memory: 128Mi
      # requests:
      #  cpu: 100m
      #  memory: 128Mi
        runAsUser: 1000
        fsGroup: 2000
      nodeSelector: {}
      tolerations: []
      affinity: {}
      extraEnvs: []
      ## extraVolumes A list of volumes to be added to the pod
      ## extraVolumes:
      ##   - name: ca-certs
      ##     secret:
      ##       defaultMode: 420
      ##       secretName: ca-certs
      extraVolumes: []
      ## extraVolumeMounts A list of volume mounts to be added to the pod
      ## extraVolumeMounts:
      ##   - name: ca-certs
      ##     mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certs.crt
      ##     readOnly: true
      extraVolumeMounts: []
      mounts: []
      # Dashboard will only bootstrap if the master bootstrap option is set to true.
      bootstrap: true
      # The hostname to bind the Dashboard to.
      hostName: tyk-dashboard.local
      # If set to true the Dashboard will use SSL connection.
      # You will also need to set the:
      # variables in extraEnvs object array to define your SSL cert and key files.
      tls: false
      # Dashboard admin information.
        firstName: admin
        lastName: user
        email: [email protected]
        # Set a password or a random one will be assigned.
        password: "123456"
      # Dashboard Organisation information.