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Export an OAS API

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Tyk supports exporting the Tyk OAS API Definitions or just the extracted OAS API Definition using either the Gateway or Dashboard APIs. Below are the commands you can use to get Tyk to export the required format.

Open Source


For the following tutorials, use your Tyk Gateway API secret stored in your tyk.conf file, the property is called secret, you will need to use this as a header called x-tyk-authorization to make calls to the Gateway API.

Tutorial: Export a Tyk OAS API definition

Property Description
Resource URL /tyk/apis/oas/{api-id}/export
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param Path Param: api-id

The only thing you need to do in order to get the Tyk OAS API Definition for a specific API is to call the export Gateway endpoint.


For the Tyk Gateway, the default{port} is 8080.

curl --location --request GET 'http://{your-tyk-host}:{port}/tyk/apis/oas/{api-id}/export' \
--header 'x-tyk-authorization: {your-secret}'

Tutorial: Export an OAS API Definition out of a Tyk OAS API Definition

Property Description
Resource URL /tyk/apis/oas/{api-id}/export
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param Path param: api-id Query param: mode

To ease the integration with other applications, such as your Developer Portal, Tyk offers the possibility to export just the OAS API Definition by striping out the x-tyk-api-gateway configuration from the Tyk OAS API Definition. To achieve this just add the mode=public query parameter to the export API.

curl --location --request GET 'http://{your-tyk-host}:{port}/tyk/apis/oas/{api-id}/export?mode=public' \
--header 'x-tyk-authorization: {your-secret}'