Tyk Gateway v2.8

Last updated: 6 minutes read.


You now can configure complex request pipelines, allowing you to specify different actions for the same path, depending on defined conditions.

Visit the looping section for more information.


You can now safely test all API changes without publishing them, and visually see the whole request flow, including which plugins are running and even their individual logs.

We have added a new Debugging tab in the API designer which provides a “Postman” like HTTP client interface to simulate queries for the current API definition being edited.

You can even debug your virtual endpoints by dynamically modifying the code, sending the request via Debugger and watching the virtual endpoint plugin logs.

See Debugging Tab for more information.

Separate rate limits and quotas per API within the same Policy

If you set the Limits and Quotas per API flag while configuring a policy, you will be able to configure separate rate limits and quotas per API.

Note that you can’t mix this functionality with partitioned policies.

Developer portal oAuth support

The Developer portal now fully supports exposing oAuth2 APIs:

  • Developers can register their oAuth clients and see analytics
  • Administrators can see list of oAuth clients from a developer screen

Multi-organisation users

NOTE: Currently only available with >2 node Dashboard license.

You can now create users with the same email address in different organisations. Users will then be able to select an organisation when logging in, and can easily switch between organisations via the navigation menu. To enable set "enable_multi_org_users": true.

Request throttling

When hitting quota or rate limits, the Gateway now can now automatically queue and auto-retry client requests. Throttling can be configured at a key or policy level via two new fields: throttle_interval and throttle_retry_limit.

  1. throttle_interval: Interval(seconds) between each request retry.
  2. throttle_retry_limit: Total request retry number.

Password policy improvements

  • security.user_password_max_days Set the maximum lifetime of a password in days for a user. They will be prompted to reset their password if the lifetime exceeds the configured expiry value. e.g. If the value is set to 30 any user password used over 30 days is considered invalid and must be reset.
  • security.enforce_password_history Set a maximum number of previous passwords used by a user that cannot be reused. e.g. If set to 5 the user cannot reuse any of their 5 most recently used passwords.
  • security.force_first_login_pw_reset A newly created user will be forced to reset their password on their first login. By default this is set to false.

Developer management improvements

  • You can now manually create developer subscriptions from the developer screen.
  • We’ve added a quick way to change a subscription policy and reset a quota
  • All actions on the developer screen now only require developer permissions

Key hashing improvements

You can now update keys by only having its hash. This is controlled via the enable_update_key_by_hash dashboard configuration variable.

Ability to publish keyless APIs to the developer portal

You can now add open (keyless) APIs to the developer portal. You have the same functionality as for closed APIs, except for key generation, which is disabled.

Dynamic Portal Customisation

Portal templates now have access to the Developer object, its subscriptions, and issued key metadata, providing the ability to conditionally show or hide content inside the Portal based on the attributes below:

The Current logged in Developer can be accessed using the .Profile variable with the following fields:

  • Id - Internal developer ID
  • Email - Developer email
  • OrgID - Tyk Organisation ID
  • Subscriptions - A map containing subscriptions where the key is a policy ID and the value is an API key
  • Fields - A map containing custom developer fields
  • OauthClients - A map containing list of registered oAuth clients, where the key is the policy ID.

The Current logged in Developer detailed subscription object can be accessed using the .APIS variable, containing a map, where the key is a policy ID and the values are in the following format:


You have different teams of developers, and for each team we want to show them a different list of APIs. In this case, for each developer, we need to set a custom Team field, and add it to a template like this:

{{if eq .Profile.Fields.Team `internal`}}
     Display internal set of APIs 
{{if eq .Profile.Fields.Team `public`}}
     Display public set of APIs 

Similar functionality based on Key metadata can look like this:

{{range $pol, $subscription := .Data.APIS}}}}
   {{if eq $subscription.APIDescription.Name `test` }}
     {{if eq $subscription.KeyMetaData.Vip `1`}}
     Show extended documentation for users having subscription with `vip` meta tag in token

Custom analytics storage engines for Multi-Cloud & Enterprise MDCB users

Multi-Cloud & Enterprise MDCB installations can now leverage the power of the Tyk Pump and send analytics to custom sources like ElasticSearch or InfluxDB from within their local Data Centers.

This allows you disable sending the Tyk Gateway analytics to the Multi-Cloud / Master layer from the Gateway itself, allowing the Tyk Pump process to take care of it.

In order to do that, you need to:

  • Install Tyk Pump, with a hybrid pump section with the following configuration:
"hybrid": {
  "name": "hybrid",
  "meta": {
    "rpc_key": `<org-id>`,
    "api_key": `<api-key>`,
    "connection_string": `hybrid.cloud.tyk.io:9091`,
    "use_ssl": true,
    "ssl_insecure_skip_verify": false,
    "group_id": "",
    "call_timeout": 30,
    "ping_timeout": 60,
    "rpc_pool_size": 30
  • Enable Tyk Pump in the Tyk Gateway configuration, by changing analytics_config.type from rpc to an empty value.

Now you can add additional pumps to the Tyk Pump config.

Plugin bundler CLI tools now built-in to Tyk binary

Previously you had to use a separate tyk-cli binary to build bundles. The build command remains the same, but instead of using tyk-cli bundle you now use tyk bundle.

Basic Auth - Extract Credentials from Body

It is now possible to extract BasicAuth credentials from the request body. This is particularly useful in SOAP requests.


You can modify your API definition to let Tyk know how to get the credentials:

"basic_auth": {
  "extract_from_body": true,
  "body_user_regexp": "<aut:User>(.*)</aut:User>",
  "body_password_regexp": "<aut:Pass>(.*)</aut:Pass>"

Insecure Skip Verify on a per API basis

Previously, it was possible to get Tyk Gateway to skip TLS verification globally (for ALL apis), but it was not possible to enable this on a per API basis. This meant that it was not previously possible to use self-signed certificates for some APIs, and actual certs for others.

It is now possible to control which APIs use skip secure verification as follows within the API Definition object:

api_definition.proxy.transport.ssl_insecure_skip_verify: bool - Defaults to false.

Tyk’s JSVM TykMakeHttpRequest function will also respect the above configuration value.

Detailed changelog

Tyk Gateway 2.8.0

  • URL rewrite advanced rules extended with looping support, allowing you to build complex request pipelines.
  • Added an Admin Debugger API
  • SSL verification now can be disabled at the API level in addition to the global level, using the new proxy.transport.ssl_insecure_skip_verify boolean variable.
  • You can rename the default /hello healthcheck endpoint using the new gateway health_check_endpoint_name string variable.
  • Basic auth plugin now can extract credentials from the request body
  • Bundler CLI tools now built in to the Tyk binary
  • Allow updating keys by hash

Tyk Pump 0.6

  • Added hybrid pump configuration, allowing Multi-Cloud users to use custom storage engines for analytics.