API Ownership

Last updated: 5 minutes read.

API Ownership is the concept of Role Based Access Control applied to the portfolio of APIs deployed on your Tyk Gateways and managed from your Tyk Dashboard. Each user or user group can be granted access to a subset of the portfolio and, for example, have no visibility of any other APIs deployed on the platform.


The availability of this feature depends on your license.

When to use API Ownership

Governing a multi-team API portfolio

API ownership is a key capability when you have multiple API development teams each working on their own suite of APIs. You can use API Ownership to simplify the experience of those developers when accessing Tyk by reducing the “clutter” of APIs that they are not working with, and also to avoid the risk of users accidentally or maliciously interfering with another team’s APIs.

Avoiding data leakage between users

The user owned analytics feature allows you to prevent users from seeing the traffic to (and existence of) APIs for which they are not responsible. This reduces the opportunity for data leakage within your business.

How API Ownership works

By default, APIs and associated objects (such as policies and Dashboard analytics) are visible to all Tyk Dashboard users.

A Dashboard User (or User Group) can be assigned as the owner of an API, granting that user (or user group) exclusive visibility of and - given appropriate permissions - the ability to manage all the Tyk objects relating to that API, such as policies, key requests and Dashboard analytics.

Once an API has been assigned an owner, all non-owning users will lose visibility of - and access to - that API in the Tyk Dashboard.

Where there is a conflict, for example when a policy is associated with multiple APIs and the user owns only one of those APIs, the user will have access to the object (though not the other APIs themselves).

API Ownership example

Imagine that you have two APIs: API1, API2. You have three teams which have different roles and responsibilities as follows:

  • TeamA which must have access to configure API1
  • TeamB which must have access to configure API2
  • TeamAnalytics which should only have access to view the analytics for both API1 and API2

To implement this structure, you would create three user groups and assign permissions as indicated:

  • TeamA requires "apis": "write"
  • TeamB requires "apis": "write"
  • TeamAnalytics requires "analytics": "read"

Having configured the user groups, you can then assign API ownership as follows:

  • API1 - TeamA, TeamAnalytics
  • API2 - TeamB, TeamAnalytics

Thus: TeamA will have API write access only to API1 TeamB will have API write access only to API2 TeamAnalytics will have Analytics read access to both APIs

Enabling API Ownership

API Ownership must be enabled in your Tyk Dashboard configuration, which you can do using either of the following approaches:

  • set enable_ownership to true in your tyk_analytics.conf
  • set the TYK_DB_ENABLEOWNERSHIP environment variable to true

Owned Analytics

Access to Tyk Dashboard’s traffic analytics is controlled via the analytics permission in the user or user group access control configuration. The default behaviour of this control is to grant or restrict access to all traffic analytics and does not take into account API ownership.

The additional owned_analytics permission was added in Tyk Dashboard v5.1 (and LTS patches v4.0.14 and v5.0.3) to provide more granular access to traffic analytics. By configuring this permission, the user (or user group) will gain visibility only of those analytics that can be filtered by API (due to the method Tyk Pump uses to aggregate the analytics records).

Currently, only API Usage and Error Counts are available to users with the owned_analytics permission.

Note that the owned_analytics permission depends upon the analytics permission being granted (set to read) - without this, the more granular control is ignored and the user will not have visibility of any Tyk Dashboard analytics.

In the Dashboard UI, the control for owned_analytics is implemented as a drop-down option (all or owned) on the analytics permission.

Permissions with API Ownership

Managing API owners using the Dashboard UI

The Dashboard UI provides a simple method for managing ownership for your APIs, where you can select from the lists of users and user groups that have been created in the Dashboard. Users and user groups are managed in separate lists for ease of use.

Using Tyk OAS APIs

When using Tyk OAS APIs, the option to assign owner(s) to an API is provided on the Access tab in the API Designer. You simply select the owner (or owners) that you wish to assign to the API from the drop-down boxes:

API ownership section for Tyk OAS APIs

You can remove owners from the API by clicking on the x next to their name in the drop-down/selection box.

Using Tyk Classic APIs

When using Tyk Classic APIs, the option to assign owner(s) to an API is provided on the Core Settings tab in the API Designer. You simply select the owner (or owners) that you wish to assign to the API from the drop-down boxes:

API ownership section for Tyk Classic APIs

You can remove owners from the API by deselecting them from the drop-down.

Managing API owners using the Dashboard API

The Tyk Dashboard API provides endpoints to manage API ownership directly, if you are not using the API Designer.

Using Tyk OAS APIs

When working with Tyk OAS APIs, you can manage owners for an API using these endpoints:

Method Endpoint path Action
PUT /api/apis/{apiID}/access Assign a list of owners to the specified API
GET /api/apis/{apiID}/access Retrieve the list of owners of the specified API

For each of these endpoints, the payload consists of two string lists: one for user IDs, the other for user group IDs.

  "userIds": [
  "userGroupIds": [

Using Tyk Classic APIs

When working with Tyk Classic APIs, you manage owners for an API by modifying the user_owners and user_group_owners fields in the API definition and then updating the API in Tyk with that using these endpoints:

Method Endpoint Action
PUT /api/apis/{apiID} Update the API definition for the specified API - CRUD API owners in the user_owners and user_group_owners fields
GET /api/apis/{apiID} Retrieve the API definition for the specified API - ownership details are included in user_owners and user_group_owners fields