Rich Plugins Data Structures

Last updated: 10 minutes read.

This page describes the data structures used by Tyk rich plugins, for the following plugin drivers:

  • Python (built-in)
  • Lua (built-in)
  • gRPC (external, compatible with any supported gRPC language)

The Tyk Protocol Buffer definitions are intended for users to generate their own bindings using the appropriate gRPC tools for the required target language. The remainder of this document illustrates a class diagram and explins the attributes of the protobuf messages.

Class Diagram

The class diagram below illustrates the structure of the Object message, dispatched by Tyk to a gRPC server that handles custom plugins.


The Coprocess.Object data structure wraps a Coprocess.MiniRequestObject and Coprocess.ResponseObject It contains additional fields that are useful for users that implement their own request dispatchers, like the middleware hook type and name. It also includes the session state object (SessionState), which holds information about the current key/user that’s used for authentication.

message Object {
  HookType hook_type = 1;
  string hook_name = 2;
  MiniRequestObject request = 3;
  SessionState session = 4;
  map<string, string> metadata = 5;
  map<string, string> spec = 6;
  ResponseObject response = 7;

Field Descriptions

hook_type Contains the middleware hook type: pre, post, custom auth.

hook_name Contains the hook name.

request Contains the request object, see MiniRequestObject for more details.

session Contains the session object, see SessionState for more details.

metadata Contains the metadata. This is a dynamic field.

spec Contains information about API definition, including APIID, OrgID and config_data.

response Contains information populated from the upstream HTTP response data, for response hooks. See ResponseObject for more details. All the field contents can be modified.


The Coprocess.MiniRequestObject is the main request data structure used by rich plugins. It’s used for middleware calls and contains important fields like headers, parameters, body and URL. A MiniRequestObject is part of a Coprocess.Object.

message MiniRequestObject {
   map<string, string> headers = 1;
   map<string, string> set_headers = 2;
   repeated string delete_headers = 3;
   string body = 4;
   string url = 5;
   map<string, string> params = 6;
   map<string, string> add_params = 7;
   map<string, string> extended_params = 8;
   repeated string delete_params = 9;
   ReturnOverrides return_overrides = 10;
   string method = 11;
   string request_uri = 12;
   string scheme = 13;
   bytes raw_body = 14;

Field Descriptions

headers A read-only field for reading headers injected by previous middleware. Modifying this field won’t alter the request headers See set_headers and delete_headers for this.

set_headers This field appends the given headers (keys and values) to the request.

delete_headers This field contains an array of header names to be removed from the request.

body Contains the request body. See ReturnOverrides for response body modifications.

raw_body Contains the raw request body (bytes).

url The request URL.

params A read-only field that contains the request params. Modifying this value won’t affect the request params.

add_params Add paramaters to the request.

delete_params This field contains an array of parameter keys to be removed from the request.

return_overrides See ReturnOverrides for more information.

method The request method, e.g. GET, POST, etc.

request_uri Raw unprocessed URL which includes query string and fragments.

scheme Contains the URL scheme, e.g. http, https.


The ResponseObject exists within an object for response hooks. The fields are populated with the upstream HTTP response data. All the field contents can be modified.

syntax = "proto3";

package coprocess;

message ResponseObject {
  int32 status_code = 1;
  bytes raw_body = 2;
  string body = 3;
  map<string, string> headers = 4;
  repeated Header multivalue_headers = 5;

message Header {
  string key = 1;
  repeated string values = 2;

Field Descriptions

status_code This field indicates the HTTP status code that was sent by the upstream.

raw_body This field contains the HTTP response body (bytes). It’s always populated.

body This field contains the HTTP response body in string format. It’s not populated if the raw_body contains invalid UTF-8 characters.

headers A map that contains the headers sent by the upstream.

multivalue_headers A list of headers, each header in this list is a structure that consists of two parts: a key and its corresponding values. The key is a string that denotes the name of the header, the values are a list of strings that hold the content of the header, this is useful when the header has multiple associated values. This field is available for Go, Python and Ruby since tyk v5.0.4 and 5.1.1+.


The ReturnOverrides object, when returned as part of a Coprocess.Object, overrides the response of a given HTTP request. It also stops the request flow and the HTTP request isn’t passed upstream. The fields specified in the ReturnOverrides object are used as the HTTP response. A sample usage for ReturnOverrides is when a rich plugin needs to return a custom error to the user.

syntax = "proto3";

package coprocess;

message ReturnOverrides {
  int32 response_code = 1;
  string response_error = 2;
  map<string, string> headers = 3;
  bool override_error = 4;
  string response_body = 5;

Field Descriptions

response_code This field overrides the HTTP response code and can be used for error codes (403, 500, etc.) or for overriding the response.

response_error This field overrides the HTTP response body.

headers This field overrides response HTTP headers.

override_error This setting provides enhanced customization for returning custom errors. It should be utilised alongside response_body for optimal effect.

response_body This field serves as an alias for response_error and holds the HTTP response body.


A SessionState data structure is created for every authenticated request and stored in Redis. It’s used to track the activity of a given key in different ways, mainly by the built-in Tyk middleware like the quota middleware or the rate limiter. A rich plugin can create a SessionState object and store it in the same way built-in authentication mechanisms do. This is what a custom authentication middleware does. This is also part of a Coprocess.Object. Returning a null session object from a custom authentication middleware is considered a failed authentication and the appropriate HTTP 403 error is returned by the gateway (this is the default behaviour) and can be overridden by using ReturnOverrides.

Field Descriptions

last_check No longer used.

allowance No longer in use, should be the same as rate.

rate The number of requests that are allowed in the specified rate limiting window.

per The number of seconds that the rate window should encompass.

expires An epoch that defines when the key should expire.

quota_max The maximum number of requests allowed during the quota period.

quota_renews An epoch that defines when the quota renews.

quota_remaining Indicates the remaining number of requests within the user’s quota, which is independent of the rate limit.

quota_renewal_rate The time in seconds during which the quota is valid. So for 1000 requests per hour, this value would be 3600 while quota_max and quota_remaining would be 1000.

access_rights Defined as a map<string, APIDefinition> instance, that maps the session’s API ID to an AccessDefinition. The AccessDefinition defines the access rights for the API in terms of allowed: versions and URLs(endpoints). Each URL (endpoint) has a list of allowed methods. For further details consult the tutorials for how to create a security policy for Tyk Cloud, Tyk Self Managed and Tyk OSS platforms.

org_id The organisation this user belongs to. This can be used in conjunction with the org_id setting in the API Definition object to have tokens “owned” by organisations.

oauth_client_id This is set by Tyk if the token is generated by an OAuth client during an OAuth authorization flow.

basic_auth_data This section contains a hashed representation of the basic auth password and the hashing method used. For further details see BasicAuthData.

jwt_data Added to sessions where a Tyk key (embedding a shared secret) is used as the public key for signing the JWT. The JWT token’s KID header value references the ID of a Tyk key. See JWTData for an example.

hmac_enabled When set to true this indicates generation of a HMAC signature using the secret provided in hmac_secret. If the generated signature matches the signature provided in the Authorization header then authentication of the request has passed.

hmac_secret The value of the HMAC shared secret.

is_inactive Set this value to true to deny access.

apply_policy_id The policy ID that is bound to this token.


Although apply_policy_id is still supported, it is now deprecated. apply_policies is now used to list your policy IDs as an array. This supports the Multiple Policy feature introduced in the v2.4 - 1.4 release.

data_expires A value, in seconds, that defines when data generated by this token expires in the analytics DB (must be using Pro edition and MongoDB).

monitor Defines a quota monitor containing a list of percentage threshold limits in descending order. These limits determine when webhook notifications are triggered for API users or an organisation. Each threshold represents a percentage of the quota that, when reached, triggers a notification. See Monitor for further details and an example.

enable_detailed_recording Set this value to true to have Tyk store the inbound request and outbound response data in HTTP Wire format as part of the analytics data.

metadata Metadata to be included as part of the session. This is a key/value string map that can be used in other middleware such as transforms and header injection to embed user-specific data into a request, or alternatively to query the providence of a key.

tags Tags are embedded into analytics data when the request completes. If a policy has tags, those tags will supersede the ones carried by the token (they will be overwritten).

alias As of v2.1, an Alias offers a way to identify a token in a more human-readable manner, add an Alias to a token in order to have the data transferred into Analytics later on so you can track both hashed and un-hashed tokens to a meaningful identifier that doesn’t expose the security of the underlying token.

last_updated A UNIX timestamp that represents the time the session was last updated. Applicable to Post, PostAuth and Response plugins. When developing CustomAuth plugins developers should add this to the SessionState instance.

id_extractor_deadline This is a UNIX timestamp that signifies when a cached key or ID will expire. This relates to custom authentication, where authenticated keys can be cached to save repeated requests to the gRPC server. See id_extractor and Auth Plugins for additional information.

session_lifetime UNIX timestamp that denotes when the key will automatically expire. Any·subsequent API request made using the key will be rejected. Overrides the global session lifetime. See Key Expiry and Deletion for more information.


message AccessDefinition {
  string api_name = 1;
  string api_id = 2;
  repeated string versions = 3;
  repeated AccessSpec allowed_urls = 4;

Defined as an attribute within a SessionState instance. Contains the allowed versions and URLs (endpoints) for the API that the session request relates to. Each URL (endpoint) specifies an associated list of allowed methods. See also AccessSpec.

Field Descriptions

api_name The name of the API that the session request relates to.

api_id The ID of the API that the session request relates to.

versions List of allowed API versions, e.g. "versions": [ "Default" ].

allowed_urls List of AccessSpec instances. Each instance defines a URL (endpoint) with an associated allowed list of methods. If all URLs (endpoints) are allowed then the attribute is not set.


Defines an API’s URL (endpoint) and associated list of allowed methods

message AccessSpec {
  string url = 1;
  repeated string methods = 2;

Field Descriptions

url A URL (endpoint) belonging to the API associated with the request session.

methods List of allowed methods for the URL (endpoint), e.g. "methods": [ "GET". "POST", "PUT", "PATCH" ].


The BasicAuthData contains a hashed password and the name of the hashing algorithm used. This is represented by the basic_auth_data attribute in SessionState message.

"basicAuthData": {
    "password": <a_hashed_password_presentation>,
    "hash": <the_hashing_algorithm_used_to_hash_the_password>

Field Descriptions

password A hashed password.

hash Name of the hashing algorithm used to hash the password.


Added to sessions where a Tyk key (embedding a shared secret) is used as the public key for signing the JWT. This message contains the shared secret.

"jwtData": {
  "secret": "the_secret"

Field Descriptions

secret The shared secret.


Added to a session when monitor quota thresholds are defined within the Tyk key. This message contains the quota percentage threshold limits, defined in descending order, that trigger webhook notification.

message Monitor {
  repeated double trigger_limits = 1;

Field Descriptions

trigger_limits List of trigger limits defined in descending order. Each limit represents the percentage of the quota that must be reached in order for the webhook notification to be triggered.

"monitor": {
  "trigger_limits": [80.0, 60.0, 50.0]