Get started with Tyk OAS and VS Code

Last updated: 4 minutes read.


It is easy to get going with Tyk in your favourite editors. We will take you through the steps to get going with Visual Studio Code. This will include installing a plugin, importing an API and sending a request to that API. It should take about ten minutes, if that.


Tyk Dashboard API or Tyk Gateway API?

The examples in this tutorial have been written assuming that you are using the Tyk Gateway API.

You can also run these steps using the Tyk Dashboard API, noting the differences summarised here:

Interface Port Endpoint Authorization Header Authorization credentials
Tyk Gateway API 8080 tyk/apis/oas x-tyk-authorization secret value set in tyk.conf
Tyk Dashboard API 3000 api/apis/oas Authorization From Dashboard User Profile
  • When using the Tyk Dashboard API, you can find your credentials key from your User Profile > Edit Profile > Tyk Dashboard API Access Credentials:

User Edit Profile menu


You will also need to have ‘admin’ or ‘api’ rights if RBAC is enabled.

Install the REST client VS Code extension

  1. From your Visual Studio Code menu, select Extensions from the left hand menu.
  2. Search for the REST Client and install it. It is worth restarting Visual Studio Code after you install the plugin to make sure everything is set up correctly.

REST Client VS Code

The REST client allows you to write clear REST calls easily

REST Client demo call

Create an OpenAPI Document to import to Tyk

  1. In Visual Studio Code, create a directory
  2. Create a blank file called simple_api.json to store your OpenAPI Document
  3. Copy the code below to the file you just created:
  "components": {
  "info": {
    "title": "simple_api",
    "version": "1.0"
  "openapi": "3.0.3",
  "paths": {},

  "servers": [
      "url": ""

This is a very simple OAS compliant description of an API. You will notice that there is nothing Tyk specific in it. You will use the ‘import’ API to ask Tyk to add the Tyk bits for you.

Create a script in VS Code to import and test your API

  1. Create a file called in the same directory as your OpenAPI Document (simple_api.json).
  2. Copy the following into the new file:
### Globals

### Using an existing OpenAPI Document with Tyk (import)
POST http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/tyk/apis/oas/import
Content-Type: application/json

< ./simple_api.json

### Reload GW to load the API
GET http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/tyk/reload/

### Test ###
POST http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/simple_api/post

"Now that was easy, wasn't it?"

### /Test ###


Code Description
@secret = YOUR_SECRET_HERE This is your Tyk Secret, setup as a variable.
POST http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/tyk/apis/oas/import ?listenPath=/simple_api/ x-tyk-authorization:{{secret}} Content-Type: application/json < ./simple_api.json This section asks Tyk to create a Tyk OAS API based on the simple_api.json file and have it sit on the listen path /simple_api/.
GET http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/tyk/reload/ x-tyk-authorization:{{secret}} These 2 lines ask Tyk to reload your Gateway to detect the new API. This is only needed on the open source version of Tyk (when accessing the Tyk Gateway API). If you use the Tyk Dashboard API, you can skip this step.
POST http://tyk-gateway.localhost:8080/simple_api/post "Now that was easy, wasn't it?" These 2 lines run a call to your new API and check that it works.

Import your API

Using the REST client, click Send Request above line 5 to create your API request.

Send Request 1

You should see the following response that your API was added.

Response 1

Reload your Tyk Gateway

Click Send Request above line 13 to reload your Tyk Gateway.

Reload the Tyk Gateway

You will get the following response.

Gateway reload

Test your API

Click Send Request above line 17.

Test API request

You will get the following response from the httpbin test service, returning the message “Now that was easy, wasn’t it?”.

Test API response

For more details, see the OAS high level concepts page

What next?

The next thing you might want to do is add the Tyk configuration fields to an existing OpenAPI Document or create a Tyk OAS API definition from scratch.

When it comes to writing your own Tyk APIs in Visual Studio Code, the Tyk extension is a real help.