Tyk API Gateway v2.3.2 and Tyk Dashboard released

We are happy to announce a new version of Tyk Gateway and Tyk Dashboard.

This is a bug fix release and contains critical updates for our Tyk Hybrid users, as well as various fixes for all the users.

Tyk Gateway

  • Fixed memory and connection leak affecting our Hybrid users, it was causing Tyk Gateway to crash due to lack of available memory, or because of opening too many network connections to Tyk Cloud.
  • Now you can allow double slash “//” in your urls, by setting http_server_options.skip_url_cleaning option. It may be useful if you need to pass “urls” as parameters to your api, for example: “https://your.api.com/get/https://example.com”.
  • Fixed bug where JWT claims would not be included in the middleware context in subsequent requests
  • Fixed runtime panic when an OAuth client is added with an API that does not exist in the gateway yet

Tyk Dashboard

  • Added Organisation name to dashboard UI for multi-tenant installations
  • Fixed ‘Search by key” in the key analytics view
  • Fixed API Import schema to work with api_model field
  • Fixed import/export API for policies where the ACL would not be properly set on import
  • Fixed uptime tests UI issues for requests with multi-line bodies

Both releases are available via our package cloud repositories and as our official docker images.