Configure Redis Cluster

Last updated: 5 minutes read.


Our Gateway, Dashboard and Pump all support integration with Redis Cluster. Redis Cluster allows data to be automatically sharded across multiple Redis Nodes. To setup Redis Cluster correctly, we recommend you read the Redis Cluster Tutorial. You must use the same settings across the Gateway, Dashboard and Pump.


Redis Cluster operates differently from a Redis setup where one instance serves as the primary and others as replicas.

Supported Versions

  • Tyk 5.3 supports Redis 6.2.x, 7.0.x, and 7.2.x
  • Tyk 5.2.x and earlier supports Redis 6.0.x and Redis 6.2.x only.

Redis Cluster & Tyk Gateway

To configure the Tyk Gateway to work with your Redis Cluster, set enable_cluster to true and list your servers under addrs in your tyk.conf file.


addrs is new in v2.9.3, and replaces hosts which is now deprecated.

If you are using TLS for Redis connections, set use_ssl to true.

"storage": {
  "type": "redis",
  "enable_cluster": true,
  "addrs": [
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "database": 0,
  "optimisation_max_idle": 2000,
  "optimisation_max_active": 4000,
  "use_ssl": false

Redis Cluster & Tyk Dashboard


redis_addrs is new in v1.9.3 for the Dashboard, and replaces hosts which is now deprecated.

"redis_addrs": [
"redis_use_ssl": true,
"enable_cluster": true

To configure the Tyk Dashboard to work with your Redis Cluster, add the Redis address information to your tyk_analytics.conf file:

Redis Cluster & Tyk Pump

To configure the Tyk Pump to work with your Redis Cluster, set enable_cluster to true and list your servers under addrs in your pump.conf file.


addrs is new in v2.9.3, and replaces hosts which is now deprecated.

"analytics_storage_config": {
  "type": "redis",
  "enable_cluster": true,
  "addrs": [
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "database": 0,
  "optimisation_max_idle": 100,
  "use_ssl": false

Redis Cluster with Docker

For Redis clustered mode to work with Tyk using Docker and Amazon ElastiCache, follow these two steps:

Step 1: Make sure cluster mode is enabled

Set the environment variable TYK_GW_STORAGE_ENABLECLUSTER to true.

Step 2: Add all cluster endpoints to the config

Add all the Redis Cluster endpoints into Tyk, not just the primary. If Tyk can’t see the whole cluster, then it will not work.

For ElastiCache Redis, you can bypass having to list all your nodes, and instead just use the configuration endpoint, this allows read and write operations and the endpoint will determine the correct node to target.

If this does not work, you can still list out the hosts using an environment variable. To do so, set the environment variable:


It is important that Tyk can connect to all primary and replica instances.

It is recommended to ensure that the connection pool is big enough. To do so, set the following environment variables:



These are suggested settings, please verify them by load testing.

Redis Cluster with TLS

If you are using TLS for Redis connections, set use_ssl to true for Gateway and Pump, and redis_use_ssl to true for the dashboard. Redis supports SSL/TLS encryption from version 6 as an optional feature, enhancing the security of data in transit. Similarly, Amazon ElastiCache offers encryption in transit and at rest. To configure TLS or mTLS connections between an application and Redis, consider the following settings in Tyk’s configuration files:

  • storage.use_ssl: Set this to true to enable TLS encryption for the connection.

  • storage.ssl_secure_skip_verify: A flag that, when set to true, instructs the application not to verify the Redis server’s TLS certificate. This is not recommended for production due to the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.

From Tyk 5.3, additional options are available for more granular control:

  • storage.ca_file: Path to the Certificate Authority (CA) file for verifying the Redis server’s certificate.

  • storage.cert_file and storage.key_file: Paths to your application’s certificate and private key files, necessary for mTLS where both parties verify each other’s identity.

  • storage.max_version and storage.min_version: Define the acceptable range of TLS versions, enhancing security by restricting connections to secure TLS protocols (1.2 or 1.3).

Setting up an Insecure TLS Connection

  • Enable TLS: By setting "use_ssl": true, you encrypt the connection.
  • Skip Certificate Verification: Setting "ssl_secure_skip_verify": true bypasses the server’s certificate verification, suitable only for non-production environments.

Setting up a Secure TLS Connection

  • Ensure use_ssl is set to true.
  • Set ssl_secure_skip_verify to false to enforce certificate verification against the CA specified in ca_file.
  • Specify the path to the CA file in ca_file for server certificate verification.
  • Adjust min_version and max_version to secure TLS versions, ideally 1.2 and 1.3.

Setting up a Mutual TLS (mTLS) Connection

  • Follow the steps for a secure TLS connection.
  • Provide paths for cert_file and key_file for your application’s TLS certificate and private key, enabling Redis server to verify your application’s identity.

Example Gateway Configuration

"storage": {
  "type": "redis",
  "addrs": [
  "use_ssl": true,
  "ssl_secure_skip_verify": false,
  "ca_file": "/path/to/ca.crt",
  "cert_file": "/path/to/client.crt",
  "key_file": "/path/to/client.key",
  "max_version": "1.3",
  "min_version": "1.2",
  "enable_cluster": true,
  "optimisation_max_idle": 2000,
  "optimisation_max_active": 4000

Troubleshooting Redis Cluster

If you find that Tyk components fail to initialise when using Redis clustering, for example the application does not start and the last log file entry shows a message such as Using clustered mode, try setting the environment variable REDIGOCLUSTER_SHARDCOUNT to 128 on all hosts which connect to the Redis Cluster i.e. Gateway, Dashboard, Pump, MDCB. E.g.


If setting to 128 does not resolve the issue, try 256 instead.