Synchronising API configurations with GitHub Actions

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

This tutorial demonstrates how API platform teams can automate the synchronisation of API configurations, policies, and templates from a Git repository to a Tyk installation using GitHub Actions. Triggered by changes in the repository, the GitHub Action generates a .tyk.json file and uses the sync command to apply updates. The expected outcome is an automated, continuous integration process that keeps the Tyk setup in sync with the repository.

Step 1: Setup GitHub repository

Organize your repository with the following structure:

  • /apis/ for API definition files.
  • /policies/ for security policy files.
  • /assets/ for API template files.

Step 2: Create a GitHub Action workflow

  1. In your repository, create a new file .github/workflows/tyk-sync.yml.
  2. Add the following content to the tyk-sync.yml file:
name: Tyk Sync

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Create .tyk.json
      run: |
        echo '{' > .tyk.json
        echo '  "type": "apidef",' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  "files": [' >> .tyk.json
        find . -type f -name '*.json' -path './apis/*' -exec echo '    {"file": "{}"},' \; | sed '$ s/,$//' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  ],' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  "policies": [' >> .tyk.json
        find . -type f -name '*.json' -path './policies/*' -exec echo '    {"file": "{}"},' \; | sed '$ s/,$//' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  ],' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  "assets": [' >> .tyk.json
        find . -type f -name '*.json' -path './assets/*' -exec echo '    {"file": "{}"},' \; | sed '$ s/,$//' >> .tyk.json
        echo '  ]' >> .tyk.json
        echo '}' >> .tyk.json
        cat .tyk.json        

    - name: Sync with Tyk
      run: |
        docker run tykio/tyk-sync:${TYK_SYNC_VERSION} version
        docker run -v ${{ github.workspace }}:/app/data tykio/tyk-sync:${TYK_SYNC_VERSION} sync --path /app/data --dashboard ${TYK_DASHBOARD_URL} --secret ${TYK_DASHBOARD_SECRET}        

Step 3: Set up secrets

  1. Go to your GitHub repository.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.
  3. Add the following variable:
    • TYK_SYNC_VERSION: The version of Tyk Sync you want to use (e.g., v1.5.0).
  4. Add the following secrets:
    • TYK_DASHBOARD_URL: The URL of your Tyk Dashboard.
    • TYK_DASHBOARD_SECRET: The secret key for your Tyk Dashboard.

Step 4: Commit and push changes

Commit the tyk-sync.yml file and push it to the main branch of your repository.

Step 5: Verify synchronisation

Each time there is a change in the repository, the GitHub Action will be triggered. It will create the .tyk.json file including all JSON files in the repository and use the sync command to update the Tyk installation.